Chapter 9

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"Wake up," Theodore said, poking my side.

"Stop," I groaned, pushing his hand away. "What's your problem?" He poked my head, and I slapped his hand away, opening my eyes. "What?!"

"You still have a job to do," he rubbed his hand. "Fucking gorilla strength."

I groaned, getting off the bed. "Shut up, you little bitch." I yelped when his hand came down on my ass. "Ow!"

Theodore ignored my glare and continued. "Tonight, you've been invited to an evening ball of some sort."

I paused in the middle of brushing my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. "While there is an ongoing case?!" I exclaimed. "You can't get any more insensitive."

"I suggested it."

I scoffed in disbelief. "Why the fuck would you–"

"He's going to be there." He cut me off. "You have to find him tonight because he already has another target."

My eyes widened. "And if I don't?"

"You fail and I catch him myself." Theodore said simply. "Now hurry up, breakfast starts in five minutes."

I frowned, nodding. "Ok,"

 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿

Theodore and I were eating breakfast, Gabriel was talking to another woman, and Judea just came out from the elevator. She wasn't looking too good. She had dark circles, and she was walking weirdly.

I watched her carefully. She wasn't acting normal at all. She came and sat at our table with a fake smile plastered on her face. "Hello,"

I frowned. "You want some breakfast?" I said softly.

Judea shook her head, smiling. "No, no, no, um, the breakfast is practically finish–"

I pushed my plate toward her and frowned in concern. "Judea, what's going on? You look terrible."

Judea shook her head. "It's the girl. Ever since I saw her, I've been having nightmares."

Theodore finally started paying attention to us, his attention, particularly to Judea. "Nightmares?"

"Yes, Mr. Trancy." She said, "I can't sleep, that's all."

I nodded. "Ok," I pushed the plate further toward her. "Eat and try to go back to sleep." She nodded, muttering a small thank you.

I looked back at Theodore, who was frowning at Gabriel coming toward us. "Hey, Stephanie, hey Judea..." he trailed off, frowning. "What's wrong, Judea?"

She waves him off. "Nothing, I'm fine guys. Everyone reacts to dead bodies differently."

Gabriel nodded. "I mean, if you say so."

"You slept in the same room and you didn't know anything was wrong?" Theodore questioned.

"Calm down," Gabriel smiled sheepishly. "I sleep on the couch. I thought she was fine. Me and Judea are friends, nothing more."

Judea nodded tiredly. "Yea, we go way back, Mr. Trancy, whatever you're thinking, stop it."

Theodore rolled his eyes. "Your minds are in the gutter."

I giggled. "Shall we go back to the case before the ball tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't have a dress, so I'll get to that," Judea said.

Gabriel nodded. "I brought beach clothes so I too will have to buy something fancy."

"Do you have the funds?" Theodore teased. "I don't want to have to get you out of jail for petty thievery."

Gabriel scoffed in anger, storming off.

"He's really just a little girl isn't he?" Theodore said, watching him walk off.

"It's giving obsessed, Trancy." I rolled my eyes.

"Considering you're oblivious to the fact that Gabriel's obsessed with you. I don't think you know what you're talking about."

I scoffed. "Gabriel's not obsessed with me."

Judea giggled. "He talks about you a lot in our room. He's obsessed."

I looked between both of them. "Oh."

"And that's all you have to say," Theodore shook his head in disappointment.

"I think it's cute." Judea said, standing up. "Thank you for the food. I appreciate it so much." She throws her things in the trash. "I'm going to go dress shopping. I'll be back in an hour hopefully."

I nodded. "Have fun. I already have a dress to wear. I come prepared for anything." I smiled widely.

Judea smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes, and walked away.

I take some time to exhale before shoving Theodore, causing him to groan slightly. "You're already abusing me?"

"You're verbally abusing me." I defended myself.

Theodore narrowed his eyes on me. "You're verbally and physically abusing me. I don't think it's quite fair."

"Life isn't fair," I smiled back, patting his cheek. He smacked my hand away. "I want to talk about who this man is."

"Well, first of all, he's blonde."

"How do you know?" I asked.

Theodore opened up his phone. "We were able to get her text messages. We don't know where she was texting this man but she told her friends that his name is Gavin Harvey and he's a blonde. He also has green eyes."

I nodded. "Ok,"

Theodore chuckled. "It's not as easy as it sounds. There are a lot of blonde hairs in Miami and in our force. I don't think you're going to go up to every one of them and look closely at their eyes to see the green."

I scoffed. "How do I solve this then?"

Theodore leaned in closer to me. "Look at the clues, Stephanie. This job isn't so you can solve children's puzzles. The man is smart. Every precaution he took was so a normal detective would never find him."

I frowned. "You are the only detective who isn't normal, Theodore." My mind goes back to the many times I saw Theodore with unnatural abilities.

He laughed as if he knew what I was talking about. "I don't know what you mean," he feigned innocence.

I scoffed. "Once I figure out who's going around doing this to girls, I'm going to figure out what you are."

"Oh?" Theodore cocked an eyebrow. "What am I?" He hummed. "Human, idiot,"

I crossed my arms. "You're lying. I saw–I–"

"You saw what?" He whispered, leaning in closely. He was teasing me.

I scowled. "I saw your teeth, they grew into fangs an–and you–"

He rested his head on his hand and used his other free hand to poke my nose. "So...I'm a werewolf?" He chuckled. "I didn't know you were into that thing."

I gasped, horrified. "Absolutely not, Theodore. I was thinking Vampire."

Theodore smirked. "Better run away before I take all your blood." He laughed. He was having too much fun with this.

Maybe I am crazy.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. "Maybe, you're just not there yet." He whispered, chuckling. He grabbed his things and walked away.

I furrowed my brows.

Now, I don't even know what I'm doing. Was he referring to himself or the case? God, I'm actually mentally functional. 

Byyee. My laptop's bought to die

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