Chapter 10

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Hi, I know it's been a while but I've been suffering from writer's block.

enjoy this chapter.

but you can read up to chapter 24 on my patreon

I hope you have a fantastic day.

her outfit ⬆️

"I hate to say it," Theodore sighed. "But, I told you so."

Theodore was already dressed while I was running around trying to get ready for this dinner, ball bullshit. "Shut the fuck up," I growled. "You don't fucking hate being right. I have no idea why you're lying like shit."

Theodore chuckled. "Calm down," he said, but he didn't mean it at all. "Stress isn't good for the nerves. You're getting old."

I glared at him. "And you're almost forty grandpa. Shouldn't your oldest daughter be planning her wedding by now." Theodore narrowed his eyes, slapping my ass as soon as I turned around. "I actually hate you so much." I walked up to him and pulled on his collar, so he was leveled with me.

Theodore smirked. "I'm not the one who wanted to wait an hour before the party started to get ready. You're a woman, you have to shower, do your hair, your makeup and shit. How do I know more about women than you?"

"I don't know," I mumbled. "You've been in this world a long time."

"Kill yourself, Stephanie." He retorted.

"You first, you've already seen life's wonders. You need to leave." I grumbled.

Theodore chuckled as I grabbed my shoes, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "I'll help you with all this tension," he whispered as his large hand went up my dress and cupped my pussy. I sighed, leaning against him, my pussy throbbing against his hand. "After this dinner party when you find this killer."

I pushed him off of me. "You really need to fuck off."

Theodore laughed and continued to watch me scramble to get my outfit and jewelry on while fixing up my hair.

 ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿

The dinner was calm. I met a lot of detectives and police officers. I surprisingly managed to get ready on time, and we made it. I wasn't really hungry. I just drank juice because it's been a while.

For me, I was looking for something else. I was looking for Gavin Harvey. Theodore was right. So many blonde men in the police force, and a lot had green eyes, and some had brown and blue eyes, but Harvey couldn't be all of them.

I was in the middle of my thoughts when Judea walked past me, catching my eye. She looked beautiful in that red velvet dress but so terrible. Seeing a dead body can traumatize you, but she needs to calm down and rest.

Before I could walk up to her, Gabriel came up to me with a charming smile. "Hey Steph,"

I smiled. "Hey, what's up?"

Gabriel's eyes wandered down my body. "You always look so beautiful,"

I giggled, smiling. "Thank you," I looked at his tuxedo. "You don't look so bad yourself."

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