Chapter 29: Fire Trick and Fireworks

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Seb keeps his arm around me as he introduces all of the warriors he met today; in some cases, he tells me their title or something special about them. For the most part, I smile and shake their hands and try to bank their names in my memory but they're all really built guys, dressed in mostly black with the same somewhat cocky attitude. They all smile politely and offer me a happy birthday wish. A few of them have pretty women on their arms that they introduce as their mates or girlfriends. The girls seem to stare at me with a concerned interest. I try to convey through a smile that I am not look to cause any trouble even if I am the new plaything around the pack.

After what seems like an eternity, we find our way back to Marcus and Celine who are standing out on the porch watching the sunset as some of the younger warriors and the boys from this afternoon attempt to light the massive fire. Some of them are taking the task very seriously, while others are doing some kind of jig and just trying not to set themselves on fire. The music is already starting, soft but booming in the background. Looking to Celine, I feel at home and give her a grin.

"There isn't that long left now," Seb whispers, his hot breath fanning down my cheek as he wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me close against his warm chest.

"I know," I wring my hands nervously over my beer bottle.

He clasps his hands over mine to still them. I look up to meet his gaze. "Are you nervous?"

"A little but mostly I'm excited." I shrug my shoulders and take the last swig out of my bottle. "It's kind of a big deal," I chuckle back at him.

"You need a refill." Seb snags the bottle right out of my hands plants a kiss on my cheek and disappears inside. I can't help but let out a little giggle and then remind myself to drink the next one more slowly.

"He dotes on you," King Svelting pushes off the wall behind me, coming out of the shadows to occupy the space between me and Celine.

"I think he's nervous and needs something to keep him busy." Again, my hands start to ring as I think about the moon rising over the trees. What will happen to me? What if Seb isn't my mate? What if no one here is?

I let out a sigh. "Maybe you're right though. Maybe he does spoil me." And then more quietly, "Maybe I shouldn't let him."

Svelting's eyes turn toward my hands and he reaches out to still them. He places his massive hands over my small ones and squeezes softly letting the callousness and warmth of his palms brush against the backs of my hands. "Hey," he rubs his thumbs over my fingers.

"Sorry, I just don't really know what to expect," I drop our hands quickly and look up into his beautiful green eyes.

"You'll be spectacular no matter what," he mutters.

"Good evening, Your Highness," Seb returns handing me a cool bottle and wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me to him a little more harshly than necessary.

"Sebastien," Svelting nods.

Cheers erupt from behind us as the fire seems to finally catch, blazing just as the sun sinks down and the sky turns from pink and orange to purple and navy. We're all watching as the young men clink their beers together and turn up the music so it's blasting loudly throughout the yard. Even those that had taken up comfortable residence in the house start to make their way into the yard and around the fire to dance.

"There's nothing like a party to get this pack going!" I jump as Peri appears behind Celine with Ark in tow. She has a stunning smile plastered onto her face and a flashy gold tumbler in her hands. "Happy birthday Lexi!" She reaches out and pulls me into a high hug before looking up toward Ark expectantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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