Chapter 12: The Apartment

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Seb was asked to rejoin us in Ark's office, curiosity flowed from him like a river. His eyes burned into me, silently begging me to give him some indication of what happened; I smiled widely at him and I visibly saw him relax. Ark reaches out and pulls him into a tight, short hug.

"Welcome cousin. You will be an asset here." Ark grins at him and they share a moment.

"We can join?"

"We've been accepted," I take a step toward them.

"There's only one issue," Ark interjects with a smirk. "Though I don't think it will be too much of an issue, judging by your bond." I see Ark raise an eyebrow at Seb before turning back toward me. "I have only one apartment available in the main house and it's a single."

Seb smirks and a chuckle rumbles through our mindlink. What do you think princess? Want to share a bed a little longer?

I think I can tolerate you, I put my hand over my mouth to cover a smile and stifle the laughter bubbling in my chest. I know that I can put my name on a list for another apartment if something goes wrong or if it gets to be too much. But I have become accustomed to Seb in my space; he's the closest thing I have to family, and if I can't live with them, I will be happy to live with him.

"I don't think that will be an issue," Seb smirks at ark as he throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close against him. I feel the tip of his upturned lips press against my forehead, provoking a rosy colour to grace my cheeks.

"Very well then. I will have my Beta show you the way to your new apartment. I take it you will also need supplies?" Ark turns toward his desk and his eyes glaze over as he speaks through the pack mindlink.

"Thank you, Alpha Ark," I place my arm around Seb's waist.

Ark's eyes clear of cloudiness and his smile returns, wrinkles gracing just the corner of his lips. He looks much more handsome when he smiles, less intimidating. His large size seems to shrink when he looks at you with a smile on his face. The darkness of his hair and eyes seems to be lightened with joy. He looks like a different man; a man, I suspect, I won't be seeing very often, given his reputation.

"Beta Jace is outside the door," Ark motions toward the heavy door behind us, indicating that our time has ended with him.

Seb and I both bow our heads to him. "Thank you, Alpha," we say in unison.

Seb turns, his arm still slung over my shoulder and guides me to the door which opens to reveal the Beta waiting for us, a smug smile plastered on his handsome face. "Welcome to Blackwing, rouges," he teases. "Always good to see you Sebastien," he reaches out his hand toward Seb, who willingly grabs onto it with a grin of his own.

"It's been a long time since we were skin-side together Jace," he chuckles.

Jace turns and starts heading toward the entrance we passed through on our way in. There are two large staircases, one on either side with rich dark wood framing bannisters. There are cream-coloured runners on each staircase to prevent slips and falls. Two little rugrats, of about eight or nine come flying down the stairs, nearly knocking into Jace as they reach the bottom. The first of the two little boys stops dead in his tracks just before he bashes into the back of the Betas knees. The second little boy, unable to hit the breaks as hard as his friend, runs into the first boy with a loud and distinct 'oof'. Jace, stepping to the side, looks down at the boys with his lips pressed into a hard line and an eyebrow raised. The two boys jump to attention and bow their heads immediately.

"Sorry Beta," they say together.

"Boys, we shouldn't be running on the stairs," Jace keeps an even voice with them before kneeling down to their level. He places a large finger under each of the boys' chins and forces them to look him in the eyes. "I don't want you to get hurt. And I know that the two of you don't want to hurt anyone else. Right?"

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