Chapter 24: Introduction

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I take a moment to look out over the audience. The first thing I notice are the vibrant green eyes peering at me from the front row seats. His eyes are glowing as his eyes roam over me, taking every inch of me in. Luckily, I didn't have much time to think about it as Ark turns to face me again and place a kiss on my cheek before turning my hand over to Sebastien who takes it with a bright smile.

"Thank you all again for joining us tonight in welcoming our new pack members. I'm sure the two of them are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you in the coming days. But for now, what do you say we start the festivities?"

The crowd cheers more loudly this time as Alpha Ark takes Peri's hand in his own and motions for Seb and I to follow them onto the dancefloor, which the wolves are already clearing of chairs. We each take our positions on the floor as the scraping of chairs comes to a halt and a soft waltz-like music begins. At first, the dance is very tight and formal; our arms don't drop from where they are supposed to be set, we are locked at the joints and keeping a more than appropriate distance from one another. Finally, Seb tightens his arm around me, pulling me closer, and lets out a big sigh of relief as we maneuver around other couples beginning to join in from the sidelines.

"We did it," he whispers into my ear.

"We did it," I smile softly back.

As the dancefloor becomes more crowded and the music changes from formally slow to something more modern and fast-paced, Lux becomes irritable, restless, and exhausted all at once. I try to ask her what's wrong but she simply retreats into my mind in her foul mood and refuses to re-emerge. I assume that this moodiness is part of the maturation process and willingly let her hide for the time being.

"Water?" Seb yells over the pounding music. I nod and take his outstretched hand. He leads me over to a collection of chairs and gracefully plops us down in them with a huff.

"My feet are killing me!"

"That's what you get for wearing heels," he chuckles. Looking around, he spots the bar open on the far side of the room. "Do you want anything besides water?"

"Surprise me," I shrug.

"Alright princess."

Seb makes his way to the crowded bar and finds a place in the line of people waiting there. I decide, to hell with the ladylike attitude I have put up with this long, and unhinge the strap to my heels with a sigh of relief. I never knew moving my toes could feel this freeing.

"Congratulations," the accented voice is unmistakable from behind me.

I turn and see the green eyes I knew I would and meet them with a defiant smile. "Thank you. I think it went well."

"It went extremely well and you look as beautiful as ever." The confusion of the v and w sounds start to make me wonder where the accent is from.

I turn my head again, nearly kinking my neck. "Well thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere. Would you like to sit?" I pat the seat beside me. I see his eyebrows twitch upward before he takes a few steps forward and carefully sits himself in the chair.

"How are you finding the party so far?" I ask, now able to look directly at him.

"It's lovely. The music is interesting."

"Thank you, it's my own collection," I chuckle. "I couldn't stick to one theme or genre so they let me pick a few from each. I think it's working nicely. The next song is one of my favourites; it's the perfect slow song before the party really kicks off."

"Would you like to dance then?" I barely hear him over the music. I look over to find his eyes focused on the fingers of his hands which he is playing with in his lap.

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