Chapter 23: The Ceremony

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I chug down the rest of my coffee and submit myself back into the chair. Celine fills me in on some of the people she has invited to my birthday party, which I have gathered is nearly the entire pack. Alpha Ark and Peri will stop by but they won't stay because they feel their presence can put a damper on a good party.

"What did Jace say about the toast?" I smirk as she adds sparkles to my eyeshadow.

"He said you didn't win that bet but he would still be honoured to speak on your behalf." I can taste her curiosity in the back of my throat and have to repress the sinister laughter building there. "Do I want to know why you're betting the Beta?"

I shrug slightly. "You've got to live a little?"

She hums in agreement and dabs a little harder than necessary at the corner of my eye. "You, Lexington White, are a handful, aren't you?"

"Stick around and find out," I tease.

"All done."

When I open my eyes, I almost don't recognize the woman in the mirror. Celine has made my eyes pop with the dark blue and black eyeshadow and simple eyeliner. My skin looks almost baby-like, without any scars or blemishes visible with the fine coat of foundation applied. And yet, I glow like this is my natural skin.

"You are a miracle worker Celine!"

She giggles from behind me as she tucks her brushes into a little bag along with the countless powders and creams she brought along with her. "I just have an eye for these things."

"Let me borrow it sometime?" I turn over my shoulder and flash her my best smile, canines and all.

"You can borrow me instead," she sticks her tongue out at me. "The only thing left is to put the dress on. Are you ready?"

"If it's time."

"I think it would be in our favour to be a little ahead of schedule today. I'll grab it for you." She disappears from the bathroom and reappears a moment later with the dress in hand and a goofy grin on her face. "You're going to be the belle of the ball."

* * * *

Coming down the stairs with Celine, the main hall is already buzzing with people. It appears there is a cocktail hour before the ceremony begins, and all of the pack has arrived to partake in the opportunity. Everyone is dressed in the customary blue and black. It makes me realize how beautiful the people of Blackwing are. Standing in comfort, in their pack colours, the majority of them look like they should be models, even by wolven standards.

Celine leads me to the place I have been told to wait. Just as we approach, people start to shuffle into the ballroom and find seats. "The Alpha and Luna have just announced we will begin in ten minutes," Celine fills me in, since I do not yet have access to the pack mindlink. "I need to go find a spot with Marcus."

"You two won't be on the stage?" I'm a little surprised that the Gamma and his mate are not to receive us on stage as the Alpha and Beta. Usually ranking wolves take their place among each other during these sorts of events.

"I'm afraid not, but I will be there in the crowd. If you get nervous, look for me."

"One last look?" I nervously rub my hands together and do a spin.

"You look perfect Lexi," Celine smiles and touches my shoulder reassuringly. "Seb should be here any minute."

"I'm right here," Seb appears behind me in his navy suit and crisp black dress shirt. "Don't worry Celine, I've got her from here." The two of them share in a sweet grin before she turns back to me.

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