Chapter 16: Preparing

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Several hours later, Celine had made significant progress on the dress for my welcoming ceremony. I can see the dress fitting around my curves. The bodice is decorated with little gems along the bust and through my abdomen. I like the way the dark material contrasts against the lightness of my skin; I almost look like I am glowing in the light.

"Wow Celine," I sigh as I evaluate myself in the mirror. "This is stunning."

"The model makes the art in this case, love." She flashes me her signature smile as she finishes pinning the bottom of the dress.

There is a knock at the office door, and it flies open before we can answer. There stands Marcus in his black warrior uniform and heads straight for Celine, grabbing her and locking her into a long kiss. Just as he releases her, he comes to realize that there is someone else in the room as he pushes her behind him and growls lowly at me.

Celine slaps his arm to gain his attention. "Marcus!"

His wolf seems to register after just a moment that it is me standing in the room. "Shit, sorry Lexi," he rubs his hand down his face and sighs with exacerbation. "I didn't realize it was you."

"It's okay, Marcus. I understand, I still smell of rouge."

"You are a rouge," he growls in a deeper voice, revealing his wolf.

"I know I am," I bow my head to him in hopes that this will calm him.

"Marcus, you stop that right now," Celine growls as she pushes herself out from behind us and places herself between us. "She is part of this pack as far as I am concerned. She will officially be one of us in just a few days."

Marcus shakes his head again in an attempt to clear the wolf, but I can see he isn't winning any battles. "Maybe I should go," I offer quietly.

"No; Marcus should go," Celine holds her ground and points toward the door firmly. Without another word, Marcus walks from the room, leaving the door open and the air heavy in his wake.

"You shouldn't have done that," I look to Celine.

"He's being a jackass. We are friends now. I will always stick up for you." Her eyes shine so brightly I am dazzled.

"We are friends," I state with a bright smile before I throw my arms around her. "Thank you."

Her arms wrap tightly back around me. "You should get that dress off so I can alter it for the ceremony."

Celine excuses herself out of the room and I dress back into my everyday clothes. There are heavy footsteps in the hallway as I finish redressing. I wait a moment, hearing Celine on the other side chatting with a deep male voice I was hoping to avoid today.

"Beta Jace," I greet as I open the door to the studio. He is leaned against the far wall, arms crossed over his massive chest. The black t-shirt and jeans he selected this morning are revealing of his physique which quickly reminds me why all the women are falling at his feet.

"Please Lexi, call me Jace," he smirks charmingly at me with a wink.

"Beta was just saying that he has to steal you away from me," Celine interjects with a fake pout.

"Oh?" I look back to Jace for answers.

"It seems they are having some issues getting Sebastien to pick out music and tablecloths for the ceremony celebration. He's requested your help," the Beta chuckles under his breath.


"Oh, I am very serious. It's Sebastien that isn't."

"Very well then," I sigh and turn back to Celine. "Thank you for everything. I will stop by tomorrow afternoon to make sure it all fits before the day of the ceremony?"

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