Journey Begins

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'Blaze POV"

(It has just been 2 days since I set sail away from my island and the sea is a tough place to be at without direction.. I placed all my hopes on the waves and wind to lead me to an island with civilization..

An heavy storm is about to occur as the sea was filled with raging waves and mighty winds that are able to pull off roofs.. A sea serpent rose up to disturb my peaceful rest as it roared loudly bathing me with its smelling and disgusting saliva, I drew my sword from its sheath as I made an attack stance..

'One-Sword-Style: Fox Parade!!

I swing my sword horizontally as the neck of the sea serpent was cut in half and the blood splashes around, I slice a huge size of meat from the serpent.. Immediately after I killed the serpent the rain began to fall heavily wetting my cloths, I ran inside my small ship cabin and lighted up the lanterns)

Blaze: Men!! This rain is going to last for long, hope it takes me to an island.. Well I've got food to keep me busy

<After the rainfall.. On an unknown island>

(I jumped out of my ship and went into the island with my hat on my head and my sword tied beside my waist.

The island was lively and full of people doing their different trade.. I walked so more and my eye caught a bar where they sell ale, I ran into the bar and bought myself 3 bottles of ale, the bartender was a very pretty lady with white smooth skin, Red eye and black hair. She wore black cloth that made her beauty shine)

Blaze: [Gugong! Gugong! Gugong!] Hey lady! I just found out something.."
???: What is it young man..?
Blaze: You are more prettier than the girls in my village.. Hope you don't mind if we get married
???: [Laughs] You are funny.. We just met and I'm not in love with you, whereas you don't know my name
Blaze: Who told you I don't know your name.. So what's there to call you by your name 'Yor"

Yor: How did you know my name..?
Blaze: It's written all over your face pretty one.. So are you interested now
Yor: You are so crazy.. Are you a pirate..?
Blaze: Nope! Not yet
Yor: What about we meet tomorrow.. I'm on off and I won't be at work so I'll wait for you at the opposite store
Blaze: Cool! Name's 'Blaze" Nice to meet you Yor

(I drank my remaining ale and spent sometime in the bar with her till evening.. I knew I'd made her fall in love Just to meet tomorrow and settle things like a man.

I left the bar as she kept on waving until I was out of her eyesight..

I went to look for a nearby room to stay till tomorrow and I continued to think about her until I slept off)

<The Next day>

(I woke up late as I took my bath and ran to the store where she said she would wait for me, I reached the location only to see that she was not there..

I went to ask people about her)

Blaze: Please did you see any girl waiting here..?

???: Nope!
???: Not at all
???: Nah bro, sorry
???: I saw her but she was kidnapped by a pirate that has a hook hand and wears a long gray jacket with his surbordinate.. It was not quite long since they kidnapped her so by now they should be reaching the sea shore to set sail
Blaze: Thank you ma'am

(I ran towards the sea shore in hope of still seeing them there.. I got there and saw them forcefully dragging her to their ship, she was chained and her mouth was covered..

I saw the pirates and my heart boiled with anger as I drew out my sword from its sheath, I ran towards them as I caught off the chain tied to her wrist.. I looked at the pirates with evil eye and the aura around my body increased)

Blaze: How dare you touch my Yor!!!

To Be Continued

Adventure Of Blaze (One Piece Male Insert)Where stories live. Discover now