Princess Pirates

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(It took princess 30 minutes to introduce all her surbordinate to Yor and blaze who was not interested in it.. He easily broke out of the chains as he took his sword back from the guy who was holding it.. He walked pass princess as he left Yor there, he went into her storage room as he saw a boy with black hair with white design on it.. The design of his eyes were different from normal people, his eyes pupils were black and circular and he watched as he looked at him..

Then princess men barged into the storage room as blaze ran over to the boy)

Blaze: Why are they suffering you..?
???: I'm not apart of her crew.. Im just a slave she captured and uses for chores.. That's who I am
Blaze: Who are you really..?
???: There's no need for you to know me.. I'll soon die anyways
Blaze: Do you want to get out of this place..?
???: Yes! Only if I can
Blaze: Then package enough provisions for 3

(I backed him and faced the uprising men who are wanting to hunt me down.. I draw my sword and made a stance in which my body felt free..)

???: This guy is full of raw energy.. He can defeat them easily

(One-Sword-Style: Twilight!!)

(I sliced all of her men in half as they were all dead, I walked out of the room and left him to do his thing... I went to meet princess who was fighting against Yor and she was in toes with her..

I walked closer and closer as I rose my sword in the air and swing it back down as a strong wind blew and princess hair cut and clothes tore.. Yor jumped in the air as she used her needles to pierce princess left shoulder as the needles stabbed her heart and she died..

The boy came out of the room as he was holding 3 enormous bags of goods as he carried them without having a drop of sweat on his face..

He three it on my ship as he looked at me and smiled)

???: My name is 'Rock Lee" and I'm happy to be part of your crew
Blaze: Welcome aboard Lee.. You have just officially joined the upcoming destructive pirates of the sea
Lee: Thank you cap'tn

(Few hours later)

(Lee, blaze and Yor were discussing as they were all laughing happily)

Blaze: You are trying to tell me that her bounty wasn't up to 20 million berries
Lee: Yes! It was 11 million berries and she made mouth that she was the most strongest pirate ever
Yor: Why didn't you defy her..?
Lee: Cuz if I do.. They will all kill me that day

Blaze: Sorry to ask, but what is your dream if you become a pirate..?
Lee: I want to be a very terrifying pirate that would become conqueror the sea without a devil fruit and just use my energy flow just like my father
Blaze: Well then.. We need a navigator to help us find new islands
Yor: Let's just find on a nearby island and let him or her join the crew

Blaze: Great idea Yor.. Ahead! Ahead! To the next island!!!

(The took 8 days to sail to the next island were they saw civilization and economic growth.. They docked their ship and went into the island to find a navigator..

Blaze left Yor in Lee's hand as he went on an adventure around the island to discover new things.. He was passing by were he saw tall men surrounding a young girl who was weak against them, she cuddled up herself as the men started to molest her..

She yelled for help as one of the men seriously smashed her mouth with an iron pipe.. She vomited blood as she cried out, I went over to them as I held the shoulder of one of them..)

Blaze: Hey bro! You know it's not good to hurt a girl that bad..
???: Who the fuck are you!!..?
Blaze: Just a roaming guy looking for a navigator
???: Go to hell!!!

(He swings his pipe at me as i dodged then used the handle of my sword to hit his jaw then gave him a round-house kick sending him crashing into trash.. He's remaining men rushed at me as I draw out my sword from its sheath..

'One-Sword-Style: Silent Cut!!

I used the blunt side of my sword to slash them on their chest as they all fell and passed out.. Their leader stood up as he grabbed the girl's hand and began to run.. I rose my sword up as I smiled..

'One-Sword-Style: Dragon's pathway!!

A strong sharp wind blew as it cuts the leader in half and his blood splashes around and the people ran away from that area.. I ran over to the girl who was already bathed in blood, she looked at me as tears fell from her eyes)

???: Thank you stranger.. Is there anyway I can repay your kindness..?
Blaze: Do you know where I can see a very good navigator..?
???: Yeah! And you are looking at one
Blaze: You are a navigator..?
???: Yes! And my name is 'Hguya Hinata" I've been in navigating school for 3 years.. So I can be a navigator
Blaze: My name is 'Kizuke Blaze" I'm the man who will become king of the pirates

To Be Continued

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