Forger Yor

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(I burst out much aura to intimidate the pirates but it didn't work as the hook hand guy came out from the back of his surbordinate as he looked at me and rose up his hook..

I looked confused but in that instant he disappeared completely from the spot and I couldn't hear any footsteps.. I tighten up the grip on my sword and looked around to be beware of the pirate..


I felt a very raging pain at my back then I looked around and saw that he stabbed my back with his hook.. He looked up at me after stabbing my back then removed his hook from my back with speed as my blood gushed out from my back.. I fell on my right knee as the pain rang in my head leaving an echoing.

He walked to my front as he rose up his hook again ready to strike my neck)

???: My name is 'Guyo Frien" the cap'tn of the 'Frien Pirate" with a bounty of '10 Million" people don't mess with me and escape
Blaze: Is that so.. Then why I'm I at your back
Guyo: What!! You are at my front

(He looked back and saw all his surbordinate lifeless then he turns back to look at me but didn't see me.. He looks around looking dumbfounded

'One-Sword-Style: Crystal Divider!!

A small cut was made across his chest as small quantity of blood flowed out of the injury, he looked at the injury then looked back at me as I walked pass him and held the hand of Yor and walked away..

Guyo body sliced in half as his blood splashes out like rain and he died on the spot)

<At the bar>

(She stares at me with a lovely expression and I blushed internally trying not to show it out.. Her face draws closer to my face as she used her finger to rise my head from looking at my ale)

Yor: You weren't shy to talk to me yesterday so why are you shy to look at me today
Blaze: It's just that your beauty shines brighter and hotter than the sun
Yor: I want to be with you forever and I want to tell you thank you for saving me back there and I love you

(Immediately after she said that her face draws more closer to my face as her upper lip touched my upper lip sending a love current to my organs, she then pushed closer and all her lips touched mine and we called that 'Kiss")

Yor: Do you like it or you want more..?
Blaze: It's okay for now.. I want to ask if you want to set sail with me to become a pirate
Yor: Yeah! Why not, that's the only way for us to be together always
Blaze: Then you are my first-mate.. We set sail tomorrow

(The Next Day)

(Blaze and Yor sailed off the island as they packed food and more things that they need the most.. Blaze went outside from the cabin to the upper deck as he held his sword on his hand..

A tall sea monster outrageously came out of the water as it looked at blaze with a deadly glare.. Blaze didn't care about the glare as he draw out his sword from its sheath.. He jumps forward at the monster as it opened it's mouth and swallowed him.

In some few seconds the monster's eye widens as it opened it's mouth and blaze came out, he dragged the monster onto the ship as he sliced the meat and gave it to Yor to cook for them)

(After they've ate)

(They both stayed outside to receive some fresh air as they saw a bigger ship approaching them as the waves hits their ship in all directions... Yor prepared for battle as she grabbed her 2 long golden needle and stood beside blaze who yawned loudly.

The ship was about to pass them as the surbordinate of that ship threw hook at their ship as it stopped sailing.. They went to invade the ship as they captured both blaze and Yor and took them to their cap'tn who was in her room)

???: Who dares disturb my peaceful rest..!
???: Ma'am! We've captured 2 pirates lovers and we want to submit them into your hands for punishment
???: Well then.. I'm the strongest in the south-blue and the most cleverest among all pirates... I'm the great cap'tn 'Princess" of the 'Princess Pirates"

To Be Continued

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