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(Blaze and his surbordinate sailed in search of Honeyland.. They were still on their voyage when they saw a navy ship approaching them..

Blaze stood outside on the upper deck with his whole body bandaged.. Lee stood beside him as the girls arranged all the cabins..

Their ship and the navy ship were crossing paths as the commander of that ship looked at them as they passed with their ship.. He watched closely ass he noticed the hat blaze had on)

Commander: Is that the same green hat 'Leo" "The Beast" had during his voyage..?
Lieutenant com: I think so..  But he doesn't look like Leo, so who is it
Commander: Hey green hat! Anchor your ship.. We want to search in and out of your ship

Blaze: Do I look like someone who takes order from the Navy.. Go to hell.. Lee! Move faster
Commander: Boys! Don't let that ship get away.. We can't waste a little information
Lieutenant com: Sir! I can proceed in attacking them, just give me the go ahead
Commander: Don't do anything stupid until I step foot on the ship.. Is that clear..?

Lieutenant com: Yes sir!

(He jumps off the navy ship as he proceeded with high speed towards our ship.

Lee jumps high into the air as he exchanged kicks with the Marine officer.. Lee landed back on the ship's deck as th mariner lands on the edge of our ship)

Lieutenant com: I'm lieutenant "Harry" of the navy HQ.. I personally will stop you pirates
Lee: Don't think it would be an easy task..

(They both charged towards each other as Harry body became white and threw his arm forward ass he's fist went flying giving Lee a punch on his face..

Lee went with full force as he tried to kick Harry but he's leg passed through his body. Harry then held Lee's cloths as he threw him to the sky, then he boosted his upper body and left his lower body on the deck..

He grabbed Lee's legs as he drags him closer to his face and he started punching him, he kept on punching Lee until Lee's face was all red.. He then gave Lee a powerful punch as Lee crashed with force on the upper deck destroying the woods and leaving a huge hole that leads to the engine room..

Harry joins his body back as he looks at me..

Immediately a spark of electricity flew across his face as he stopped his actions.. The commander of the ship had arrived as he eyes and everything about him were blue and sparking out high voltage of electricity)

Commander: I told you not to do anything stupid until I arrive.. Now look at what you have done
Harry: Sorry commander Fogger.. The guy attacked first
Fogger: Whatever happen had happened.. It's time to check your ship

Blaze: After you destroyed a part of it bow you want to check it.. If you don't leave you will regret it
Fogger: Show me the reason I'll regret it

(I drew out my sword from its sheath as I proceeded with it towards the both marine officers..

The cloud marine came attacking me as he left his superior at the back..

Fogger palm was opened to the sky as electrical ball was being formed.. He watch Harry fight me as he made the ball much more bigger and stronger..

Harry was just keeping me distracted and I still couldn't use my sword to lay a single injury on his body as my sword kept passing his body.  I got tired of it as tried to relax but then Harry kicked me towards Fogger as he dressed his arm backwards then threw it forward as he compressed the electricity into a small ball as he used it to smash my abdomen..

I yelled in pain and agony as I felt my whole body being eletrucuted by electricity.

I fell face fall to the ground as I couldn't move a limb, I coughed up blood as watched as the marines went down into the cabins.. I slowly closed my eyes then I saw a leg in front of me that was on green fire)

Lee: If my cap'tn didn't give you the permission to go in don't go in.. You bastard navy!! - Dance Of The Leaf:- Fifth form: Immortal Dragon

To Be Continued

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