Vivre Card! Face's Of The Wanted!

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(They followed the Green-Hat pirates till they got to an island that was far from the grandline entrance..

They all docked their ships at the shore as they went into the unknown island that doesn't have any sign of people..

Tanker sat in front of the whole crew as he brought out a paper.. He dips it into blaze blood and brought it out as it was still white..

He smiled as he turns back and began to cut the paper into smaller pieces and gave it to 17 people that sat in front of the remaining crowd of prisoners)

Tanker: We've already seperated ourselves into different groups that will form a pirate crew.. 17 cap'tns came out and are each leading a group of 100 men
Lee: If that's the case. What's that paper for..?
Wild: It's called vivre card, it will always lead us to blaze wherever he is.. And it will also tell us whether something horrible is happening to him by burning down..

Kabuto: So as each cap'tns has it, they can trace the whereabouts of blaze and get to him.. That's cool
Bingo: Yes.. As the cap'tn of the 3rd division.. I vow my life to blaze that no matter where he is or what he's doing if something bad happens to him I'll rush to help him out
Everyone: We all place the same vow

(Tanker brought out a small cup as he took small of blaze blood as he passed it round.. They all pierced their skin as their blood drips into blaze blood forming a blood path with him..

They then began to drink from it as they said their oath of loyalty.. Blaze was still asleep while this happened but he's crew watched them..)

Bingo: Now that's our oath.. We head out now.. We're going back to the south-blue sea to conquer more men to join.. While we build our own personal ship
Tanker: See you all at the grandline!!

(They walked away as they sailed the warship..

The Green-Hat pirates all laughed as they spent the night on that island.)

Navy HQ

(The same set of people sat near a round table as they placed the pictures of the men of the Green-Hat pirates..

They discussed about something for a long time as the old man holding the paper bag of donuts left the hall at he's own interest..

It didn't take long before they have finally agreed.. They gave a man in black the pictures as he left the hall for them)

"8 Days later"

(Blaze had woke up as he played around like a baby.. He looked up as he saw a bird holding a newspaper flew towards him as it gave him the newspaper and left..

Blaze opened the newspaper as he saw the headline:

"New Generation Of Pirates"

He read more of the news as he turns the first page then bounty posters fell off as he's crew surrounded him.. Looking at the posters)

Hinata: This is our posters!!
Lee: It's finally time!!

(Blaze:- Cap'tn Of The Green-Hat Pirates
Bounty:- 130 Million Berries

Lee:- Right-hand man of blaze
Bounty: 80 Million Berries

Yoriichi:- Left-hand man of Blaze
Bounty: 90 Million

Kabuto:- Doctor Of The Green-Hat Pirates
Bounty: 70 Million Berries)

Lee: I got the price I've always wanted!!
Yor: Don't the girls have bounty..?
Kabuto: You guys didn't do much work.. That's why
Hinata: Why is cap'tns bounty so high..?

Blaze: Do you think fighting a vice-admiral will give me a low bounty
Yoriichi: Second in line is me.. I'm the next highest after cap'tn
Yor: And so what.. It's not like you fought a vice-admiral and got yourself a high bounty
Lee: These two are going to kill themselves one-day
Blaze: [Laugh] Let's go conqueror the grandline..!!!

(He turned the page again as he saw something that caught his interest.. He read onwards and figured out what that was..)

Blaze: This looks catchy..
Yoriichi: What's that about cap'tn..?
Blaze: It's a tournament.. And they are giving awards that is also nice and worthy
Yoriichi: Let me see it..

Auza Blue Tournament

Participants Needed:-
Below 500

All people are allowed:- Old, Young, Pirate, Marine

Darwin Island

Cursed Sword "Yamikage"
Sea Goddess Ring
Devil Fruit &
Bit O' Heaven (Pirate Ship)

Yoriichi: Should we head there..?
Blaze: Yep! I need a sword.. And the tournament would be fun!!
Yoriichi: I'll go tell Hinata to change course towards Darwin Island
Blaze: Good! I can't wait to get that sword

(They changed course and they headed for Darwin Island.. It took them 3 days to get to Darwin Island, many ships were docked at the dockyard and they docked theirs and got down...

Immediately blaze went to sign up for the tournament as he was given an identification number..

He went to a blacksmith shop)

Blaze: How much for this sword..?
Smith: It cost 10,000 berries and it will serve you right
Blaze: The sword looks extremely weak.. Hope it won't break with a small hit..?
Smith: Nope! That sword was forged and created by me.. So have insurance that it will last you
Blaze: Okay! Thank you

Smith: Are you participating in the tournament..?
Blaze: Yep! Know anything bout it..?
Smith: Just a little knowledge..
Blaze: Tell me what you know please!!

Smith: Some top dogs from the grandline are participating in the tournament and they want all the rewards
Blaze: Do you know any of those top dogs..?
Smith: Just 2 out of 4.. Hunzy the "Monster Head" and Flick the "Sharp Shooter".. Both have the same bounty as you, they are incredibly strong and can defeat their opponents with just their eyeballs

Blaze: This is going to be fun!!! Here's your money.. Thank you for the small knowledge
Smith: What a funny man... Pray for his safety during the tournament

(The day of the tournament had come as blaze and the remaining participant gathered at the waiting hall..

Blaze held his new sword tightly as he closed his eyes and smiled)

To Be Continued

Adventure Of Blaze (One Piece Male Insert)Where stories live. Discover now