Doctor "Kabuto"

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(Kabuto was introduced to the whole crew as we all did a welcome party for him..

We spent 2 weeks on his island as he cloned himself and left his clone on the island to keep curing the citizens..

We began to sail the sea as we were now almost complete in the crew.. Kabuto healed us everytime we're injured or having slight illness)

Kabuto: I'm just new here and I've treated Lee 127 times and blaze 146 times.. Why don't you guys leave the girls
Lee: We can't leave them alone.. They are God's creation and the beauty of the world
Blaze: Just like he said, the girls are just so beautiful for us to leave at a leisure time
Kabuto: It's you guys choice, leave them or not they are apart of your crew

(Blaze POV)

(I went to lay down on the ship's deck ground as I looked up to the sky and wondered..

I needed a man worthy of being my left-hand warrior, I stood up and went to meet Kabuto in his cabin that was transformed into a mini hospital..

He looked at me with curiousness as this was the first time I've ever showed face in his cabin)

Kabuto: What's the matter blaze..?
Blaze: Nothing.. Something have been going through my head and I need someone that can also protect Lee if I'm not there to do that, someone worthy that I can call my left-hand man
Kabuto: I don't know if you are okay with him but he's an old friend of mine and the navy calls him "Flame Demon Yoriichi" he's a swordsman like you and he has the capability of defeating 1 warship of the marines all by himself
Blaze: Where's he's current location..?
Kabuto: At a prison that is close to the pathway of the grandline.. "Canal Prison" it's being governed by one of the navy's cap'tn and commander

Blaze: He looks worthy.. Let's go to the grandline!!
Kabuto: But I've noticed that you guys don't have a good ship, pirate name neither pirate flag
Blaze: That's right! Let's do that now!!

(They ran up to the upper deck as everyone gathered there looking at them as they came..

Another pirate ship blocked their path as Lee, Kabuto and blaze stood looking at them)

Blaze: I like their ship, don't do anything to destroy it guys
Lee: Sure!
Kabuto: I've heard!

(The opposing ship shot their canon bomb at us as Lee appears in front of the bomb and kicked it with his leg, it exploded as the smoke filled the air..

I drew out my sword and swing it horizontally as the gunsman of that ship all died.. Their cap'tn stood on the edge of their ship as he's both hand was made out of axe..

Kabuto hands changed to snake as he stretched it towards their ship and he held their ship tightly as me and Lee ran on his hands with unseeable speed..

Kabuto shot himself at the cap'tn as he gave the cap'tn an headbutt directly to his chest, the man spat out a mouth full of blood then Kabuto punched him in the face sending him flying..

Me and Lee handled the men on the ship and left no one on it except for the cap'tn.. It was 3 against one as we had the upper hand, I held my sword, Lee ignites his leg with his green flames and Kabuto fully transformed into a snake-man..

"One-Sword-Style: Heavenly Support!!

"Dance Of The Leaf- Second Form:- Green World!!

"Kabuto's Style- First Form:- Poison Of Life!!

We blasted the cap'tn with all our attack as he didn't have anywhere to go and he received it whole without dodging.. He's body was dripping with blood and he fell backwards as he directly fell into the sea)

Blaze: We've finally accomplished our first goal of stealing a ship!
Lee: Wait! This our new ship..?
Kabuto: Why do you think he was warning us not to damage it at any cost..?
Blaze: Let's think of a name we can give everything about us

(Lee brought the rest of the crew onboard the new stolen ship as we all packed our things to the ship..

We sat down and had a big thick white cloth with black, white and green paint, we had pen as we were all serious this time around)

Blaze: Let's start with the name of the crew!!

Kabuto's Bio

Name: Kabuto
Age: 19
Origin: Unknown
Mother: ???
Father: ???
Sibling: ???
Hometown: ???


To Be Continued

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To Be Continued

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