Auza Blue Tournament

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"Sword Clings!!

"Ground Shakes!!


"Blood Splash!!

(The tournament had begun and everyone fought on the arena to see the last 16 men standing.. Blaze didn't fight that much as he just kept dodging and striking them with his sword from their backs..

Blaze eyes caught the eyes of another Fighter as they rushed towards each other.. They clashed their swords at themselves as they smiled and continued to clash)

(Before the Tournament Began)

(Blaze closed his eyes and held his sword tightly.. A man walked towards him as he heard the sound of his footsteps, blaze opened his eyes a little as he saw the man who tried to wake him up..)

Blaze: What do you want now..?
???: Are you Green-Hat blaze..?
Blaze: Yes! Do you need something..?
???: I heard you are really strong and have a very high bounty.. Name's Cameron
Blaze: Okay.. See ya at the arena

Cameron: Just came to tell you that you won't get any reward.. I'm the one who would win
Blaze: Having a big mouth isn't good.. It depends on the way you fight and how you would win.. So wait for the tournament to start. Caperon
Cameron: It's Cameron! Not what you called it!! 💢

(At the Tournament)

(The both sword users fought like wild dogs as either blaze nor Cameron wanted to loss.. The audience watched the fight as they couldn't say anything at that moment..

Blaze and Cameron got a little bit exhausted as they stopped for a while and saw that the 14 people were already waiting for them to finish their fight.. Blaze smiled as he rubs the back of his head, Cameron looked at blaze as he smirked then went for the exit)

(At the Audience)

???: That was Green-Hat Blaze and Blood Flame Cameron back there.. Their fight was awesome
??? 2: If we could see more of that again at the finals, it would be nice
??? 3: Sword vs Sword.. Those two would be a very powerful and could break the arena if they won't stop them

(The rounds were quickly selected as the fighters were ready for their battle..)

(Round 1NE)

(Round one kicked off as Cameron was fighting against another fighter from a village in the south-blue "Ghost"

Ghost fought Cameron with his might and strength but it wasn't enough for him to go toes with Cameron.. The fight was just like an appetizer to the audience as they "Booed" at Ghost..

Ghost was paranoid about what the audience did as he used one of his special attack on Cameron that took him off balance.. Cameron was almost sent out of the arena as he looked at ghost with a shocking expression.

Ghost smiled as he bombards Cameron with attacks, only to see that ghost was already sent out of the arena...

The winner was given to Cameron as he boringly walked towards the exit, he met the next fighter there as he gave the guy a death glance..)

(Round 2WO)

(The battle begins as both Gold from the south-blue and Fury from the grandline fought at toes, blaze watched the fight from were the audience sat as he analyzed the fighters techniques and ability..

He picks up his sword as he looked at it and sighs, the sound of victory was heard ass he looked up and saw that fury won against gold..)

Blaze: Looks like people from the grandline are meant to be powerful.. Can't wait to fight someone from the grandline
???: The Quater-finals first round would be "Cameron Vs Gold" both from the grandline.. The fight would be captivating

{Blaze looked at the guy as he smirked and bends his head to his knee until he hears his name for his own round}

(6IX Hours had passed as it was time for blaze round.. He woke up as he jumps from the audience perimeter towards the arena.. The whole crowd cheered for him except for his own crewmates..

He still felt sleepy as he glared at his opponent with boredom as he sat on the ground and started to sleep..)

???: Is that guy okay..?
??? 2: I don't think so.. He has been sleeping this whole time and he just woke up
Yor: C'mon blaze" wake up

(At the battlefield)


(Shark dashed at blaze who was still sitting down comfortably holding his sword.. He tries to bite him but blaze kept on dodging while sitting down..

He stood up as he continued dodging shark's attack, he reached the edge of the battlefield almost crossing the line..

He heard a shout of his name then he woke up as he draws his sword from its sheath then made his stance..)

Blaze: Give me more time.. IM NOT DONE SLEEPING!!

(He swings the blunt side of his sword at shark as he was sent flying towards the audience..

One of the audience stood up as shark sat on his chair unconscious and he was beside Cameron.. Cameron glanced at blaze who went back to sleep)

Caneron: [He used the blunt side of his sword and made him unconscious.. So if he used the sharp side, this guy would have been dead by now or his upper body would be here and the lower down at the battlefield.. I've to be careful around that guy]


To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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