16. Mythos and Mates

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Nyx had a hard time the following days after her hospital visit. Her body didn't feel like her own. A fog remained in her mind and her limbs seemed not to work how she wanted them to. After her morning routine, she was already exhausted and found herself in her bed. The bed! The one thing she couldn't lie on because it was too soft and now she was on it for most of her time.

Often she was alone with her thoughts and notebook. She read over and over what she had written and thought about what she could add. After three days she couldn't think of any detail she had missed and gave up.

Her mind wandered off to the thought of mates many times. She couldn't stop thinking about the time in the meadow with Nora.

Nyx you have to understand this matebond isn't like a marriage of you humans. We don't pick and choose. We are given and we have to take it.

And then there was Silas and what he said about the matebond when she asked why he was being nice to her.

My first reason is not fair, but it's the matebond. It's hard to stay mad at you.

Was the matebond present between them as well? She asked herself. Was that calming aura around Silas, which once was incredibly suffocating, the work of the matebond?

She needed answers.

With a sigh and a groan, Nyx got off the bed and sauntered through the hallways of the house, trying to find Nora.

Her sister-in-law was often found within the premises of Silas' house. Nyx noticed that since the pregnancy announcement, she was cautious of everything and preferred staying home over going out. Probably the reason why she didn't want to go to her own home, she thought.

Nyx found her in the informal living room watching her show again while going through some magazines.

The Alpha's sister was surprised as she looked up. Nyx had locked herself up these past days in her room, similar to the time of her arrival in the pack. She was happy the human girl was venturing outside again. "I see our hermit is ready to socialize again."

Nyx rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't give me that look. I am just teasing you," Nora wiggled her eyebrows. "How are you feeling?"


Nora gave her a knowing look.

"A bit tired, is all," Nyx finally admitted. She learned it was better to give in sometimes because if she didn't she would either get a lecture about how being vulnerable is normal or they wouldn't stop asking.

"Still, huh?"

Nyx ignored her theoretical question and cut straight to the point. Not wanting to socialize anymore she needed to. "Can you tell me anything about mates and matebonds?"

Nora put her magazine down on the coffee table. "Well, well, well, what got you all of the sudden so interested?"

Nyx looked away irritated, but Nora interpreted it as slight embarrassment and gave in and stopped the teasing. "What is it that you want to know?" She asked seriously.

That was a good question, Nyx thought. The thing was that she didn't know where to start.

"How does it work? How are two people mated? And what is the matebond?"

Nora stood up. "Just give me a sec, I need to get some pen and paper, it will be easier to explain."

Nyx could hear her rummaging through some drawers and after a couple of seconds, she came back. She had a white sheet of paper and a red pen and started to write three names on it. "Before I can start about the concept of mates if have to start at the beginning, don't worry I won't go into much detail," Nora winked.

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