6. Nora

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"Let me through, let me through! Oh don't be such a wuss, it's just a girl!" Then Nyx's bedroom door burst open and in the doorway an unfamiliar woman. Behind her, some angry-looking guards were still stationed there. Silas didn't know what to do with his mate and therefore he would rather be safe than sorry.

"Oh my, it is true. Silas really is mated to a soldier and to one from the military department of HPS no less. Damn. Talking about some crazy irony from our goddess. Is it true that you are the Black Veil, or is it some crazy rumor everybody is spreading to make you look even worse?"

Nyx stood there perplexed by the bomb of energy that walked right into her room. The woman was significantly taller than Nyx, quite fitter too, and had long brown hair reaching her lower back. She was a beauty. But who she was, remained a mystery.

"Are you a mute or something?"

"No," Nyx hissed, slightly offended.

"Oh, you hate us, alright. That is clear as water, but I don't blame you entirely... I see you haven't eaten anything, not to your liking?"

Once again Nyx remained silent, she had no idea what to do with this person. Her high-energy personality made her look suspicious.

"Wait, are you still wearing your own clothes? I thought you got here days ago... It's starting to smell," The unfamiliar woman said while scrunching her nose.

"I hand-washed my shirt twice," Nyx tried to defend herself, not knowing why.

The woman laughed. "Why didn't you just grab some new clothes, they are right there in the wardrobe." She walked over and opened it, trying to make her point but was unpleasantly surprised when it was empty. "Oh, sorry, my bad. We will fix that."

Without thinking the unknown woman grabbed Nyx's wrist and started dragging behind her to the hallway. Surprised by her actions, it took a second before Nyx realized what happened and let herself being dragged, but once aware she immediately saw it as a threat and grabbed the other woman's arm, wriggled her wrist lose and tried to floor her. Nyx almost succeeded until the other woman caught on. Even though it was human versus werewolf, Nyx knew how to utilize her petite, fit body. She was quick on her feet, but in the end the werewolf won and pushed her into a wall and held her underarm against Nyx' chest. "Girl, what's your problem?" She asked slightly out of breath.

"You grabbed me first, if you don't remember," Nyx sneered, trying to hold back to show any signs of pain.

"I only did that so you would follow me, to get some clothes for you. You kinda look like the type who wouldn't listen to me, so I just took some repercussions." The woman let go to show Nyx some goodwill. "But I can see how my actions may have been perceived differently."

Nyx dusted herself of as she said, "I don't even know who you are."

The woman slapped her forehead. "Sorry, my curiosity got in the way." Nyx surprised, raised a brow. A werewolf apologizing to her. That was an unusual sight.

"I am Nora, Silas' older sister."

Nyx tilted her head, growing more curious about this woman now. This was new information that HPS could use. She made mental notes of Nora, trying to take every detail in.

"Now that is out of the way, follow me. I will get you some fresh clothes and then some food for you. Don't worry, I will take you to the kitchen so you can see the food we prepare isn't dangerous. Silas suspected you didn't want to eat out of fear of what we had done to it. He is right, isn't he?" Nora put her hand on her hip.

"I am not afraid, but yeah, I didn't trust the food."

Nora tried to read Nyx, like many others and had a hard time, which was unusual for her. She was an empath and could easily estimate people. But Nyx was difficult. It was her clear blue eyes that spoke the most, but that alone was too diminutive.

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