26. New Experiences

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Ten minutes after Peter called the principal a tall woman entered the small, organized janitor's office. She wore high heels, adding more height to herself. Her blonde hair was in a tight ponytail, her outfit elegant but casual, and her glasses reminded Nyx to one of a librarian but with more class. Long earrings swirled under hear ears, moving with each step she took.

She had a sharp look and Nyx alerted herself to be careful around this woman.

"Nyx, I want you to meet our principal, Helen. Helen, this is Nyx, I want to hire her as our new cleaner," Peter introduced them to each other.

Helen did a quick look over, her eyes scanning the human girl up and down. "You want to hire the Black Veil as our new cleaner? You've got to be kidding me, Peter."

"You know I don't busy myself with politics, Helen. We are looking for a cleaner for quite a while, so I don't see any problems."

The principle took a couple of steps forward to Nyx, trying to intimidate her. "Listen to me well, Nyx. The Alpha may have bestowed you with his mercy, but I am not as merciful as he is. I don't do second chances. You're lucky that we desperately need a cleaner, otherwise I would have security throw you out. Peter will show you the robes, but I will make one thing clear. Everything needs to be clean. Sparkling clean. We werewolves are sensitive to smell, so no spot can be missed. Am I making myself clear?"

"Crystal, ma'am," Nyx tried to response as politely as she could. Grinding her teeth as she did. The only reason she was amicable was because she as well needed this desperately and didn't want to ruin her opportunity to leave her house five days a week.

"Good." And with that Helen hurried her way out of the office, hating she had to walk all the way back to her office again. If it was up to her, she never entered this part of the school.

"Alright, welcome to Lunar Academy!" Peter cheered awkwardly. "Before you can start working here, we will need some information from you-"

"Information? What kind of information?"

"Oh, just the regular stuff. You know, we need a copy of your ID, your address, phone number, bank information. Stuff like that, you know?"

Nyx eyes widened. "I don't have any of that."

Peter looked up from his desk. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I have my phone number somewhere and I think I know my address, but I don't have an ID or a bank account."

"Oh," Peter leaned back in his seat, thinking what was smart to do. "Well how about this, you write down everything you know on this form and I will give you the weekend to arrange a bank account and an ID, so next Monday you can start. The banks and City Hall are still open in the weekend, I think. How does that sound?"

Nyx shrugged. "Good, I guess."

She left the janitor's office after leaving the few bits of information she could give. It felt embarrassing, leaving like that. Never was she in a position where she needed these things. Back at the headquarters she had a military ID, but nothing else. Living at the headquarters meant you were being taken care after and if you wanted to buy something with money you did that with cash you got.


The following day Nyx made her way to City Hall early in the morning. It was a big building in the middle of the city. It was stark white from the outside, making City Hall noticeable to every inhabitant of the city. It's architecture was a mixture of nineteenth-century Victorian elements and modern urbanisation. Impressing everyone who passed by.

Quickly she made her way inside, entering a humongous entrance hall. A big staircase was on the left and on her right was a seating area where people waited to be called up to the long row of desks, guarded of with glass. In the ceiling was a big circle made out of glass, making sunlight glittering in the big hall.

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