8. Sweetness

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The next morning Nyx was surprised by a number of packages resting on the floor next to her bed. She lay her eyes on them after her shower and had no idea what it possibly could be. With caution she approached the boxes until she saw a written note laying on top.

I hope the sizes are right

Nyx quirked up a brow. Carefully she opened one of the boxes, even more surprised when she saw the contents. It was brand new clothes, wrapped up in plastic. An unfamiliar feeling erupted. She tilted her head in amusement.

Getting new clothes wasn't a concept Nyx was familiar with. She didn't go to the shops like her fellow teammates sometimes would on their day off. Always loyal and obedient she stayed at the headquarters. Never leaving the premises unless ordered to. It was one of the most important rules The Major had in place for her.

Nyx unpacked the first item of clothing and noticed a black pair of jeans, the second was a black shirt, the third was a cropped version of a shirt in a green color – a crop top, a clothing item Nyx had no knowledge of – the fourth a short skirt. Shirt, jeans, pants, hoodie, dress, skirt, shirt. Dozens of clothing items were given to her and Nyx had no idea what to do with so many items.

The only clothing items she ever owned were three basic uniforms designed for her corps and one for special occasions.

After watching each item with much consideration, she folded them and put them in the wardrobe. In the end she had to pick something out to wear, but the choices were overwhelming. Nyx finally settled on a black pair of skinny jeans and a black short-sleeved shirt, keeping her combat shoes on from her own uniform. The shoes she had gotten didn't look as sturdy as hers.

In front of the mirror, Nyx couldn't help but stare at her own reflection. Even though the clothes she wore were in somewhat ways similar to her old uniform, it was weird to see herself in civilian's clothing. It felt different too.

After a good five minutes of intently staring at herself, Nyx made her way down on her mission: getting as much information as possible about Silas and his pack. The first thing she needed to find was some pen and paper to write everything down so she wouldn't forget any details.

As Nyx made her way down the stairs she could hear someone rummaging through the kitchen. Rounding the corner she saw Silas making coffee. "Good morning," He greeted her cheerfully.

Nyx mumbled a short 'morning' and grabbed a glass to fill with water. Silas smiled at her as he lay his eyes upon her. "I see you found the clothes. Do you like them?"

Nyx shrugged.

"Well, I see they fit you better than Nora's clothes so that's a win. Do you want some coffee as well?"


"Okay, well, then more for me, I guess," Silas chuckled awkwardly. He had still no idea how to approach Nyx to his frustration. What kind of werewolf doesn't know how to talk to their mate? He thought to himself often the past few days.

Nyx also noticed her cold demeanor and knew she had to change that for her to get information. Against her will she started to make small talk.

"So, what does an Alpha do all day? Hunting humans?" Nyx tried to joke, but it didn't land. Silas frowned but shook his head and answered. "No, no, it's actually not as glamorous as it sounds. It's mostly overseeing a lot of paperwork and making visits to different parts of the packlands and other packs as well."

"And today?"

"Today what?"

"Well, is it paperwork or visiting that you have to do?" Nyx asked with a strained voice. Her patience already tested. She was getting mad and reminded herself over and over to seem actually interested to get some good information.

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