23. Job hunting

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"This will be the place where you will be staying, for now. Alpha Silas has arranged everything. This ankle band you need to wear all the time, it has a tracker in it so we can see where you are going. It is thin enough to put your clothes over it and it's water resistant. If you do need to take it off for whatever reason you only have a minute before it sends a signal to us..." The words of the guard fell into the background as Nyx entered the small one-bedroom apartment. She felt deflated. This morning she was transferred from Silas' house to her 'own' apartment.

Even though she wasn't going to live with the Alpha anymore, she still needed to follow tons of rules. She was only permitted to leave the house for necessities, meaning for groceries, important appointments, and a job. She was to behave and not cause any trouble with anyone. If she did that she would be put on house arrest. Lastly, she was not to contact anyone from the Alpha family unless they did.

Nyx was snapped back by the guard. "Hey?! Are you listening?"

"Yeah, yeah, the ankle band can only be off for a minute, or else it sends a signal. I heard you," Nyx dismissively waved her hand.

"Right. These here are the keys to the apartment, your phone, and this is the credit card you are permitted to use. It's on the Alpha's name, so use it wisely. I would strongly suggest, however, that you find a job. Living as a freeloader will not better your reputation," The guard belittled her.

Nyx quirked up her brows in frustration. "Are you calling me lazy? Because I am not. I am perfectly capable of finding a job," She snatched the keys and card out of his hands. Her anger from yesterday slowly appeared at the surface.

The guard shook his head and left together with his partner. Nyx scoffed when the two guards left the apartment. How dare he call her lazy. She would find a job in no time. She was diligent, disciplined, and obedient. Three ingredients that would make a perfect employee, right?


The next day, after her first night at her new place, Nyx made herself ready for a new day hoping to find a job.

Her apartment was on the outskirts of the city, so she made her way further to the center to find a couple of stores and companies that hopefully were looking to hire.

"Where's your resume?"

"You don't have any work experience we are looking for."

"We don't hire humans."


"Do you even know anything about computers?"




Time after time Nyx was rejected, even at a coffee place she was turned down. Mostly because it was a hotspot for werewolves and they all looked disgusted at her. She was almost certain it was because of who she was that they rejected her instead of her lacking working experience.

Disappointed she went into the last place she saw with a hiring sign. Not even bothering what it said, just hoping they would hire her. But before she set foot in the establishment the owner told her to get away.

On her way back to her place she stopped at the grocery store. It felt weird to enter one. It had been ages since she had gone to a grocery store, or any store for that matter. Also, the variety of products and the quantity of them both overwhelmed her. Back where the humans lived the grocery stores were almost all empty and often held one kind of brand for every product.

Not knowing what to buy and not wanting to make it too expensive as she had to use Silas' credit card she opted for bread and peanut butter. The yogurt and fruit were too expensive.

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