Chapter 59

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Previously on No one has to know:

"Catherine! Catherine!" Bash panicked as he felt to see if she was breathing. She was...but barely.

"Bash." Mary said. Bash looked up at her. She was holding his baby as she spoke "She's not breathing. The baby's not breathing."

And suddenly neither was he...

Bash looked back and fourth between Catherine and the baby frantically, not knowing who to help, or even if he could help. He gently laid Catherine down and kissed her head. After all she was still breathing...for now. He rushed to Mary's side and looked over the very still baby girl. It was a girl. He had a daughter. He reached out and touched her cheek.

"What do we do?" Bash asked.

"I don't know." Mary answered almost in tears. A single tear fell from Bash's eye and he slowly bent and kissed the baby's head.

"Please. Please breathe!" he yelled.

The fog started to clear in Catherine's head and suddenly she was standing in a garden. A very familiar garden. It was the garden at her aunt Clarice's home in italy...How did she get here?

"Caterina. Caterina, Oh my dear it's been so long." she heard a voice call. She turned and there standing in front of her was her aunt Clarice with three children at her side. Two girls and a boy.

"Clarice...but how?" she asked then she noticed the children. "Who are these children?"

"Oh I think you know who they are."

"Louis, Victoria...Jeanne." she said as she touched the faces of her lost children.

"Why don't you three go and play, I need to speak to your mother." Clarice said as she sent them off.

Greer and Lola came running in, leaving Francis still pacing in the other room.

"We heard yelling, is everything alright?" Greer asked.

"The baby's not breathing." Mary sniffled.

"Don't panic." Lola said putting a hand on Mary's shoulder. "John wasn't breathing when he was born either, but the woman who delivered him did something, she rubbed his chest I think."

"Please try to remember exactly what she did." Bash said grabbing her by the shoulders.

"I...I'm not sure. It happened so fast." Lola said.

"Please. You're her only hope." Mary said holding the baby out to her.

Catherine and Clarice walked the gardens as they watched the children play in the distance.

"Did I ever tell you the story of the day you were born?" Clarice asked.

"Yes, many times. Don't you remember how I used to beg you to tell it again."

"Your mother was so happy. She loved you very much you know. Her final words were for you in fact. She prayed that you would live a long and happy life...I know you've given up. You've resigned yourself to dying, but you don't have to"

"I think it was like this." Lola said she started to rub slow circles over the baby's chest. Bash and Mary watched intently, praying it would work.

"You think I want to die? Why would I want that now? Now that I can finally be happy." asked Catherine.

"I don't think you want to. You just believe you're supposed to. You don't feel like you're meant to be happy."

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