Chapter 9

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It had been over a week and Catherine had turned to avoiding Bash in the same manner as she'd been avoiding Narcisse, but for obviously different reasons. Bash had attempted to talk to her numerous times the first few days, trying to understand her abrupt change of heart. After a a handful of failed attempts he had given up the direct approach and simply tried to 'accidentally' find himself in her vicinity hoping she'd give in and at least give him some sort of explanation.

The days had dragged on for both of them, missing each other terribly. Catherine was miserable. She found herself hiding in her room staring longingly out of the window. And when she was forced to converse with others she tended to snap at them for no reason at all. On the ninth day Catherine had gone for another late night walk to clear her head and found Bash passed out drunk again, on the same chaise as the night they first kissed. At that sight she had taken off to her room to cry again, realizing that he was hurting as much as she was.

Now, Catherine was staring out her window again, wondering if she'd ever be back to herself again, when there was a knock at her door. It was Mary.

"Catherine, Francis has called a meeting in the throne room. He wants us both there." she said. Noticing Catherine's sad demeanor she took a step forward.

"Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Everything is fine my dear. I'll be there shortly." she said without looking at her. Mary gave her a worried look and left quietly.

As she made her way into the throne room she greeted Mary and the handful of nobles that had gathered. Then she noticed Bash was also in attendance and she strolled up next to Mary hoping to start a conversation to distract her from his presence.

"What's this all about?" she asked.

"I'm not entirety sure. He got a letter earlier and took off without saying." Mary explained. Francis noticed his mother at that moment and made his way over.

"Mother. Good. You're here. We have a small situation I am in need of your help with." he said.

"What is it Francis?" she said.

"There's a small group of nobles from some of the neighboring cities who are having a meeting in Paris. They are there to discuss the famine issue left by the plague and have requested a representative from this court to go and explain to them our plans to take care of this issue. I would go myself if I could, but I have to actually be here to deal with those exact problems. So I'm going to need you to go and calm them down." he explained.

"Well, I suppose if must." she said.

"Good. I'm sorry for it being on such short notice but you should go pack your things. You'll have to leave today to make it in time as you're going to have to go through the blood wood because the bridge is out. I'll send George and Carl with you." he said.

"Only two guards? To go into the blood wood? I've never been out of the castle with less than five, and that was on the main road." she said worried.

"I know, and I don't like it either but we are short on guards as you know. I can't spare more." he said. Bash stepped forward at this last statement.

"Then, if it pleases you, I shall go with them. The guards won't know what to do if they happen to run into any pagans there. I will." he said and turned to Catherine. "If it's alright with you of course." he added. Not being able to find a reason to say no, she nodded her head.

"Alright then it's settled. You can leave at noon." he finished and walked off to speak to his advisors. Catherine took off as fast as she could. Bash followed after.

"Catherine! Catherine! Wait!" he said trying to catch up.

"I can't believe you did that. If your trying to get me to..." he cut her off and by grabbing her shoulder, stopping her.

"I'm not trying to do anything. I just wanted to make sure you're safe." he said with a sadness in his eyes.

"I suppose I'll see you at noon then." she said and took off once more.

At noon. Catherine, Bash and the two guards waited at the castle gate for the carriage to pull around. The guards were standing far enough off that Bash felt confident it was safe to speak to her.

"If it bothers you, I can just stay back a few yards from the carriage. You won't even have to see me." he said.

"That would probably be best." she said still looking ahead. The carriage pulled up and the guards ushered Catherine inside and climbed up top to drive. Bash got on his horse and waited until the carriage was moving before following after.

It had been a few hours since they had started their trip and they had been moving at a steady pace since. Only stopping once to let the horses rest. Bash had stayed back as he'd promised even when they stopped. Only gazing at her from a distance. Catherine had noticed his gaze but did her best to ignore it.

As they were riding along a trail with a steep incline off the side. A large wolf ran out in front of the horses. It growled and snapped at them. The horses whinnied and bucked up at it. The guards tried to calm them but the wolf attacked and they panicked. Bash saw what was happening and rushed forward aiming his crossbow at the wolf. He took a shot, but it was too late. The force of the horses struggling had broken their reigns and the carriage was starting to tip. Inside Catherine felt the jolt and reached for the door trying to escape her falling  transportation.

"Catherine!" Bash yelled and galloped closer getting off his horse before it had fully stopped and running to her. The carriage tipped further as he approached and the entire front half snapped off and fell into the ravine taking the two guards with it. The horses, including Bash's, ran off. Catherine was struggling to get out as the carriage dangled halfway off the side. Bash reached out to her.

"Take my hand!" he yelled. She did as he said and he yanked her out onto the ground and pulled her to him holding on for dear life. The carriage rocked a few times and then stopped, but didn't fall. They were breathing hard from the excitement as Catherine pulled away.

"Are you alright?" he asked looking in her eyes and running his hand through her hair and over her shoulder. She nodded.

"I'm okay." she looked down over the edge. "Dear God. Those poor men. There's no way could've survived that fall." Bash stood and pulled her up to a standing position.

"You should get away from there it's dangerous." He said as her eyes caught his. She found herself staring into them.

'This is far more dangerous.' she thought and shook herself from her trance. "What do we do now?" she said. Bash let go of her and walked carefully toward the carriage.

"It's getting dark. We'll never make it back to the castle or to town before nightfall without horses. We'll have to make camp." he said as he tried to pull the carriage back enough not to fall. "Let's see what we can salvage from the wreckage."

"Make camp? Are you suggesting I sleep outside? On the ground? Do I look like some sort of savage to you?" she said.

"We don't have much of a choice. This wood is full of wild animals, pagans and more cliffs like that one. It's not safe to travel it if we can't see anything. We could end up like your guards." he told her. Seeing her worried look he added "Don't worry, I lived out here for two months by myself. I can keep us safe." she nodded.

"Well I suppose we should hurry then." she said helping him remove as much of their belongings from the carriage as possible.

'This is going to be a long night.' she thought.

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