Chapter 56

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Some time had passed and, from what Catherine could tell, nothing had come of her little discovery. Everything seemed to remain status quo, and as badly as she felt for Francis, there wasn't anything she could do to help him. So she decided she would simply have to move past it for her own well being. Wallowing in it wasn't doing anyone any good. She was still hold up in her room however. Not because she was upset, but because she was getting very close to the end of her pregnancy, and it was simply best that she didn't over do it. Bash tried to spend as much time as he could with her so she wouldn't get bored. When he couldn't be with her, Mary or Greer would try to occupy her, as she said her own ladies made her even more bored.

It had been two days that no one seemed to have any time to spare, and she was getting cabin fever. She couldn't spend one more day cooped up in that room. So she decided to make a visit to see her younger children.

As she was passing one of the spare rooms, she heard men talking and a lot of noise. She stepped inside to see what was going on. When she opened the door, the room was being painted and an unfinished crib sat in the middle. Mary stood at the back of the room directing a few servants where to put things.

"What is going on in here?" she asked. Mary quickly made her way over to her.

"Oh Catherine, you ruined the surprise. I was having them remake this room into a nursery for you. I thought you might like the baby to have it's own room, instead of sharing with the other babies." she said. Catherine looked around the room in awe. There were green silk curtains and pillows. A rocking chair sat in the corner next to a small table. Catherine ran her fingers over the rim of the crib, tracing the carvings of flowers that decorated it. A trunk lay at the foot of it, open. It had a stack of cloth for changing the baby and a few generic things for it to wear. Catherine picked one of them up.

"Mary, this is beautiful." Catherine

"You like it? I wasn't sure about the color..."

"The color is lovely. It's all lovely...What made you do all this?"

"Well you seemed so down lately, I hoped it would cheer you up."

"It does. Thank you." she said as she hugged her.

"I'm so releaved. I was terrified you wouldn't like it. I know how specific your tastes can be."

"It'll be nice not having to walk clear across the castle just to see my own child." she said thinking about her other children. "Henry always insisted our children be kept in the nursery. He said anything else would be improper for royal children." She'd always wished she'd been allowed to be a normal mother to them. Catherine shook the thought away.

"Well, Henry's not here now."

"I know, I was just going to see them actually."

"Come, let's let them finish their work then." Mary said, gesturing for them to leave.

They were walking together when arrived at the main hallway, where the court was gathered, going about their daily routine.They could see Bash at the other end speaking to Francis and Leith. Leith however, didn't seem like he was paying any attention. Be was too busy looking elsewhere. Catherine followed his gaze and saw Greer at the end of it. Catherine, descreetly as possible, tugged on Mary's arm to get her attention.

"Are the two of know?" she asked gesturing toward the would be couple.

"Greer and Leith? No...what makes you think...?" Catherine glared at her.

"I know that look. I had that look."

"I think she may be in love with him, but she knows she has to keep her virtue. If she doesn't marry high born, she'll never be able to take care of her sisters." Mary explained as they got closer to the men. Catherine looked thoughtfully at that.

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