Chapter 39

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Catherine awoke the next morning feeling a heavy weight on one side of the bed. She slowly opened her eyes to find Bash slumped over the same side, sleeping on his arm. Even in his sleep he looked worried. She slowly lifted her hand and ran her fingers through his hair. He began to stir at her touch. His eyes blinked a few times before he woke fully.

"Good Morning. Do you feel any better?" he asked.

"A little. How long have you been here?" she wondered.

"Just a bit. I came in really early this morning." he said unconvincingly.

"How long have you really been here?"

"I snuck back in as soon as Mary said you were asleep." he confessed, almost laughing at how well she could read him. "I couldn't sleep without knowing you were okay." she looked away for a moment like she was somewhere else.

"You know when you left, I...I thought you were just like Henry after all. Just like every other man actually..." she began in a quiet tone.

"I'm not. I'm not him. I will never be him." he said panicked. She put her hand on his cheek to calm him.

"I know. I know that now."

"Do you?"

"He never would've come back, never would have apologized, and he damn sure wouldn't have slept at a right angle all night." she said with a small smile.

"You will never know how sorry I am." he said.

"Oh, I think I have an idea. Nothing I say or do could be worse than the punishment you're already giving yourself." she said as Francis and Mary came in. Francis looked awkwardly at Bash for a moment, but said nothing.

"Mother, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"A bit better. Thank you." she answered.

"That's good to hear. I...I um...have come to a decision on your wedding. I think you were right. The sooner the better, considering the circumstances. The wedding will be in ten days. That should give you enough time to rest, and for Mary to get things prepared." he informed them. Catherine nodded in acknowledgement. He paused for a moment, not quite sure what to say. He felt strange being there while Bash was at her side. "Do you need anything? Should I have the servants bring you something to eat?"

"No. Not right now. I'm still too tired to eat anything. Maybe later." She said.

"Alright then, I suppose I'll just leave you to rest." he said. He started to leave and Bash rose to follow him.

"Francis wait!" he called after him. He stopped just outside the door. Mary followed them out as well.

"What is it?" Francis asked.

"About Kenna. I was wondering what you planned to do with her." replied Bash.

"I have decided to let Mary rule on that matter since she is her lady. Speaking of which, I don't believe we should tell mother what she did. It may upset her even more, and you've seen what happens when she gets upset." Francis said.

"I don't want to lie to her. Besides, don't you think she'll figure it out when you punish Kenna? Unless, you've decided to let her get away with it." said Bash.

"Of course not, she will be punished, but Francis may have a point Bash." said Mary.

"Believe me, I don't want to upset her anymore than you do, but she will be more upset if she discovers she's been lied to." argued Bash.

"If she gets sick again..." he warned.

"I understand the risk, but I will never lie to her." he said. Francis gave him an angry stare, but couldn't really argue with him. He knew he was right. He gave him another look as if to say he wouldn't stop him and walked away.

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