Chapter 4

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Catherine sat on a stone bench waiting. She'd chosen this particular part of the garden because she knew it couldn't be seen from the castle. Her nerves were starting to get the best of her. She felt like she'd been waiting forever. In reality, it had only been a few minutes. What was she supposed to say to him? More importantly how was she supposed to talk to him about what happened without letting her feelings show? She knew she couldn't let him know that she'd enjoyed it. She just wanted to forget it all together. Yes, that would be best, to forget it.

Bash was making his way through the garden when he finally spotted her. She hadn't noticed him approaching. The sun shining down on her made her even more beautiful. He stopped a moment to take in the image before him. Then, trying to hold tight to his courage, he let his presence be known.

"There you are. I think maybe you should have been more specific on our meeting place." he said as he came closer. "May I sit?" he asked gesturing to the bench. She nodded and slid over just a bit. There was a momentary pause.

"Well, you wanted to talk. So talk." she said wishing the moment over as quickly as possible.

"Catherine, I know this isn't an ideal situation but we both know that kiss was...well it meant something. I don't know why, but it did." he said looking down at his feet.

"It didn't mean anything. It never should have happened. And as far as I'm concerned it didn't. We should both just forget about it." she told him trying not to look directly at him.

"Stop trying to pretend you didn't feel anything, because I know you did. You had every opportunity to stop it from happening, but you didn't." Bash was getting agitated.

"You were drunk...I didn't know what you'd..." Catherine started.

"No. Don't even try that. You didn't just allow me to kiss you. You kissed me too. You may want to forget that it happened, but it did happen. At least have the guts to admit it." he urged.

"Maybe I did...feel something, but it doesn't matter. It's over and done and we shouldn't even be discussing this. It's not as though anything could ever come of it. Your my sons brother. The mere idea of it is wrong." she was still trying to avoid his gaze.

"And what if I wasn't Francis's brother. If I was any other man. Would you want something to come of it then?" he desperately needed to know.

"But you are. So what-ifs and maybes don't mean anything. Going down that road will only make it more difficult for everyone. Just let it go. I already have." they both knew she was lying. She quickly got up and started to leave. "I don't want to talk about this again." Bash hung his head in defeat, but didn't follow her.

A few days had passed and neither Catherine nor Bash had a single moment where their minds hadn't drifted back to that night. Every time they were in the same room there were stolen glances. It never left their conscious, or unconscious, minds. Even their dreams were flooded with that one moment they shared. Their interactions were reduced to awkward encounters in the he hall and uneasy dinners trying not to let the other see them looking.

It was another late night. Bash was making his way back to his new room. The same room he'd kissed Catherine in. It probably wasn't the best idea to stay in that room considering he was trying to forget, but stay there he did. As he got closer to his destination he heard voices coming from around the corner. It was Catherine and Narcisse. He made his way towards the voices to hear better.

"How many times must I tell you I want nothing to do with you?" Catherine was angry. Bash could tell this had been going on awhile.

"I assure you if you just gave me a chance..." Narcisse started grabbing her wrist.

"I said leave alone." she tried to pull away. Bash had seen enough.

"I warned you once before Sir. Let her go or you will have made an enemy you certainly will regret making." Bash said with a most serious look in his eye. Catherine could see he was ready to tear him apart.

"Bash it's alright, Narcisse was just leaving weren't you?" she shot a death glare at him.

"Now why would I do that. I'm having a lovely time right here." he said attempting to take her wrist again. That was the last straw. Bash stopped his hand and spun him then punched him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground and his hand immediately went to the spot he'd been hit.

"If I ever see you touch her or anyone else without their permission again you'll be sure to receive much worse." he warned. Narcisse got up as quickly as he could and took off down the hall. Bash turned to Catherine.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" he asked examining her wrist. Catherine stared up at him, she was paralyzed. Her mind could only register how close he was. It couldn't process the words to answer.

" I'm fine." she said slowly taking her wrist back. "You didn't have to do that. I'm sure I could have handled him."

"I'm sure you could have, but I've wanted to do that from the moment I met him. I should thank you for giving me the excuse." he smiled a bit at her.

"Well in that case, nice shot." she smiled back and started to leave. "Good night."

"Catherine wait." he called after her and went to catch up. "This...this awkwardness between us is too much. I know you didn't wanna talk about it but...I have to..." he said as their eyes met.

"Bash please don't..." she put her hand on his pleading for him not to proceed.

"You might think it's wrong but, you are all I can think about." he confessed reaching his hand out to cup her face. She looked up, her mind racing. How was she supposed to think straight with him touching her.

"I...I...can't...Bash." she pulled his hand down but didn't release it.

"But you want to. I can see it. You can't forget it anymore than I can. The way it felt, the pull, it's there in your eyes..." he paused and brought his other hand up so he was holding both of hers. Electricity shot of through them. Catherine looked into his eyes searching for an answer, an action that proved to be a bad idea. In that moment it all fell away. She saw the he honesty in his eyes. He truly wanted her, and for just a second, nothing else mattered. She reached up and cautiously touched his cheek. She paused for a second and pulled him toward her. Bash took that as acquiescence and leaned in to kiss her. This kiss was much more passionate than the first, every movement as if their lives depended on it. They didn't need to breath air they only needed to breath each other.

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