Chapter 24

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First thing in the morning, just after breakfast, Mary made her way back to Catherine's chambers. Catherine was seated on the bench. She entered, dismissing the servants.

"How are you feeling?" She asked sitting next to her.

"Not my best, but better than last have you come to pressure me for an answer I won't give you?" Catherine said.

"I won't pressure you for anything yet. You asked for some time, you'll get it. It's you I'm worried about at the moment. How far along are you?" Mary said.

"I've known, for sure, for about two weeks, but I suspect I was in denial for some time before that. Four, maybe five weeks I'd guess." She confessed.

"You'd guess? I take that to mean this wasn't a one time affair." Mary ventured.

"What happened to not pressuring me?" She said.

"I didn't ask who he was." She shifted in her seat a bit.

"No. It wasn't. And no more questions about him. You won't be prodding me with inquiries so you can try and piece it together yourself." Catherine said.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to...You want time, how much time? What are you waiting on to happen?"she asked.

"I told you, I simply need a chance to decide what to do. There's many things I have to weigh on before telling anyone, that's if I tell anyone." Catherine explained.

"Catherine, you can't hide..." she began.

"I can. And I will if it turns out to be what's best for me and my child." She interjected.

"I suppose that means you'll be keeping it?" She said.

"I regretted even thinking otherwise the second I thought it. I couldn't... no matter what happens, this baby comes first. That much I know." She said.

"I'm glad you decided against it. You would've never forgiven yourself." Mary said.

As the days passed, Catherine continued to be abnormally sick. Although she helped make excuses for her absences, Mary kept pressuring her to see a physician, or at the very least a midwife, but she refused. So she took care of her as best she could herself. Catherine couldn't stand it. Mary was driving her mad with all her worrying. She knew she meant well, but she felt she would scream if she asked how she was feeling one more time.

Francis and Mary were just finishing up hearing the people's grievances for the day. As the people cleared out, Francis looked over at Catherine, who stood just to the side of his throne.

"Mother, is everything alright with you? You've not been acting yourself lately." He said. Mary eyed Catherine worriedly.

"Of course everything is fine. I haven't the faintest idea what you mean." She replied.

"I know something is wrong. Charles asked me what was the matter with you just this morning. If even a child has noticed, it must be something to notice." He explained.

"Well, I suppose I haven't been in the best of spirits lately, but I assure you, everything is well. Although, I do appreciate your concern." She said placing her hand on his.

"If there was something the matter, you would tell me?" He asked.

"Of course I would." She assured. She loathed lying to him. He kissed her cheek and left the room, satisfied with her answer. Once the room was empty, Mary stood and stepped closer to Catherine.

"Well, he's sure to be keeping an eye on you after this. What are we going to do now?" She asked.

"Nothing different. I'll just have to put on a better face is all." She replied.

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