Chapter 40

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It was the night before the wedding.  Catherine was in her room and Bash had snuck in through the passageways as usual.

"What are you doing?" She asked as the panel creaked open.

"I just wanted to see you one last time before the wedding. Lord knows they won't let me anywhere near you in the morning." He said.

"It's bad luck." She replied.

"We don't need any of that." He said.

"We've already had plenty of it." She said.

"And we are stronger for it. We didn't let it win." He ran his fingers through her hair and down her face to cup her cheek. "Nothing will ever break us again. Nothing."

She closed her eyes, leaning her head against his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. Then she lifted her head just enough to look at him.

"Are you sure you want to be stuck with me?" She asked.

"Hmm. I don't know. Let me see." He said moving in to kiss her. "Yes I think I can live with that." He teased. She playfully slapped him on the chest and he smiled and pulled her in for another kiss.

The next morning,  before Mary and her servants could start fussing over her, Catherine somehow found herself down in Henry's tomb. She stared at the familiar face on the sarcophagus and took a deep breath as she brushed a bit of dirt off of it.

"I know what you're probably thinking. Why would I come down here, today of all days? It may sound silly, but I somehow need to feel like you're okay with this. I don't know why I care. I suppose I just feel guilty.  No matter how much I try, the thought that he's your son, never completely leaves me. We love each other though. He cares for me in all the ways I had always hoped you would. But it was always Diane for you....I guess I should be grateful. If it wasn't for your love for her, I wouldn't have Bash now...What a cruel irony...Now I need to leave it behind me. I need to let it go. I need to say goodbye to you and finally be free of all the pain you put me through. This is the last we see of each other. I won't be coming back. Goodbye Henry. I hope you've found peace." She said. She looked around the room one last time and quietly left.

Meanwhile, Francis had gone to see Bash.

"I'm surprised you're here. I would've thought you'd want to be as far away from me as possible today." Said Bash as his brother entered.

"I wanted to bring you this." He said holding out a ring. "I know you couldn't possibly afford one on your own and anything you might already have probably belonged to your mother so..." Bash gave him a confused look. "Mother has expensive tastes." He explained.

"I don't know what to say." Said Bash.

"Say nothing. Please say nothing." He replied.

Later, Catherine stood in the middle of her room, as some servants helped her with her dress. Mary, Greer and Lola were in the room with her, as well as her own ladies. Her dress was cream and silver with lavender detail.

"Which one do you want?" Mary asked pulling two necklaces out of Catherine's jewelry box and holding them up.

"The diamonds." She said pointing to one. Mary replaced the other one. Then she went back to Catherine and put it on for her. As one of servants affixed the veil to the back of her tiara, Francis walked in trailed by Charles and little Henry.

"I just came from Bash's room. He wanted me to check on you." He lowered his voice for the next part. "He wanted to make sure you're feeling alright."

"I'm fine." She said putting her hand on his arm.

"Mother you look so pretty." Said Henry.

"Why thank you my sweet boy." She said kissing him on top of his head.

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