Chapter 48

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The court gathered around, Conde in the center of the room in shackles, waiting to be tried for his crimes. Catherine and Bash stood next to Mary's throne.

"Louis de Bourbon, Lord of Conde, Prince of Navarre, you have been accused of high treason and conspiracy against France and this royal family. How do plead?" Francis questioned.

"Innocent, your majesty." Came his answer.

"Do you have any evidence of your supposed Innocence?" He asked.

"No, I have no proof...but neither do you, majesty." He said in a snide manner, but bowing with a pretend respect.

"We have letters with your name listed as one of the leaders of this rebellion. We have prisoners, who if tortured well enough, will give us your name and more than one of my trusted kings guard saw you dissappear during yesterday's battle and reemerge from the inner gate just moments before enemy soldiers attacked my family from inside these walls. This all seems to be pretty damming evidence to me. Do you not have any defense for yourself?" He said in a commanding tone. Conde was silent for a moment before he spoke again. He knew he was beaten.

"I demand trial by combat." He said. Gasps were heard all around.

"Oh, good lord." Catherine said in a mocking tone, only just loud enough for Bash to hear.

"Trial by combat? That is a barbaric and archaic form of justice." Francis said. "It's ridiculous to even suggest."

"That may be, but it is my right, is it not?" Conde inquired. Francis looked to Catherine and Mary.

"If the council would give us a few moments." He said as the three of them, Bash and the Duke briefly left the room to discuss the situation.

"You can't seriously be considering allowing this." Said Catherine as they entered the hall.

"It is technically legal." He said.

"You're king. Make it not legal." Bash said.

"It isn't that simple. I can't just change a law that is hundreds of years old with the drop of a hat." He said. He turned to the Duke. "Do you have a read on the council? Is there a feasible way for me to deny his request?"

"They are very traditional. It would be a risk." He said.

"He was head of a conspiracy that nearly got us all killed. It should not be allowed based on the severity of the crime alone." Catherine said.

"I understand your concern mother, but I can't risk angering the council right now. I don't need to make any more enemies than I already have." He explained.

"Who will fight him then?" Asked Mary.

"Law dictates it be an equal. Someone of similar age and combat skill." Francis said.

"There aren't many men here that fit those criteria. Leith perhaps?" Mary suggested.

"They would never allow that. Leith is low born. It would be considered an insult." Catherine said.

"But we have no young men of nobility here." Mary said.

"No, but I could set him to fight myself." He said.

"Francis no. He'll just use this as an opportunity to kill you." Catherine said.

"She's right. For all we know this was his plan all along." Said the Duke. "But if the king were to have someone suggest a champion to stand in for him..." he added turning to look at Bash. "Someone who may not technically be a noble but has noble blood and was raised like one."

"No. Absolutely not. There must be someone else who can fight for Francis." Said Catherine.

"They would want a gesture of good faith in order for them to allow a stand in. What better gesture than the kings own brother?" Said the Duke. "Besides, these trials ate not to the death."

"That won't stop him from doing it anyway and making it look like an accident." Catherine said.

"I'll do it." Bash said.

"Bash. No. First you run off into that battle yesterday and now this. What, what do you have some sort of death wish?" Catherine wasn't sure if she was more worried or angry.

"Catherine..." he began.

"Please, please enlighten me as to why you continue to risk your life unnecessarily?" She said. He said nothing, but looked into her eyes in silent conversation. In her heart she understood, this was who he was, the last thing she wanted was to change him, she just hated his life constantly being in danger...especially in her current condition. She sighed. "I understand." She said simply. He pulled her in by her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be fine." He said. He turned and looked at Francis and they returned to the awaiting court.

"If it so pleases the council, I will allow Conde's request of trial by combat." Francis declared. "I myself being his opponent." He added.

"Given the nature of his crimes, I move that a champion fight in the King's place." Mary said. The council took s moment to whisper amongst themselves.

"We agree with this motion. Who will be the King's champion?" Said one of the council members.

"I will." Said Bash as he stepped forward. Some guards unshackled Conde and handled them both swords.

"The first man to make contact with the stomach, heart or throat will be declared winner. Let the trial commence." Said Francis.

Conde and Bash circled each other for a moment. Then Conde swung his sword. Bash dodged it and swung back. Conde blocked it. Their swords started clanging together furiously. Bash started to get the upper hand. This angered Conde and when he saw an opportunity he pulled back and punched Bash in the jaw. Francis stood to object to him breaking the rule. Bash held out his hand to stop him. He wiped a drop of blood off his lip and started back after him. After a few more moments, Conde tried for another cheap move by elbowing him. Bash fell to the ground. Catherine stood up from her seat, worried. Bash laid on the ground and Conde brought his sword down. Bash blocked it and got up while simultaneously pushing him back with his sword. Conde tripped from the quick backward pace and landed flat on his back. When he looked up Bash's sword was a hair's width away from his throat. Francis stood.

"Louis de Bourbon, you have been found guilty of treason. Your sentence is death, by hanging...throw him in the dungeon to await his fate." Francis said. The guards shackled him once again and took him away. Bash went to Catherine, who took his face in her hands, examining the damage to his lip.

"His sentence will be carried out when we get back the castle. He'll be hung as a warning. If we can take the life of a Prince, they will know that no one is safe from justice." Francis said.

No one has to knowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें