Chapter 25

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Mary froze, not quite sure how to feel about her admission as Catherine started crying harder.

"Well, go ahead. Say it. Say whatever you're thinking. Tell me it's wrong. Tell me it's disgusting. Tell me..." she babbled through the tears.

"I...I wasn't thinking that. I wasn't thinking anything. I...think I need a moment to... process this." She said.

"Of course you're thinking it. How could you not think it. I've thought it myself enough times. I even tried to walk away once. But I couldn't." The tears slowed but didn't stop.

"I just don'" She was still working through it.

"It started the night of the celebration for my grandson...who will be older than my child." She mused.

"Five months..." Mary noted.

"Now I'm sure you'll go running off to tell on me. What will people think of me? They hated me enough before. I'm sure it's ruined my chances of you forgiving me, and I don't even want to think what Francis will do...God, I don't want to lose him, or worse. What if he makes Bash leave? I'll be alone." She was clearly terrified. She was shaking.

The little queen was shaking as her mother stepped into her carriage and rode off. It would be years before she saw her again and she was all alone. Then the older queen stooped down to her height, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Don't be afraid. You're not alone... I will always be here to protect you." She assured her, pulling her into an embrace.

Mary moved toward Catherine, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Don't be afraid. You're not alone...I'll always be here to protect you." She said mirroring the words Catherine gave her so many years ago.

At that moment, remembering those words, Catherine realized Mary had forgiven her after all. She didn't know what to say. So she did something she hadn't done in a very long time. She embraced Mary, letting all their past mistrust fall away, finally. After a moment she spoke again.

"But how can you just be okay with this?" She asked as she pulled back to look at her.

"Because I've seen the change in you these last few months. Because I've seen that lovely soul I used to know return. He brings out the best in you. How could that possibly be bad?"

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