Chapter 35

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It was the eve of Saint Nicholas Day. The entire royal family, including all of Catherine's younger children, Charles, Henry, Margot and Hercule, all joined the rest of the court in the village to see the festivities. Catherine carried little Hurcule while Margot grasped onto her skirts. Bash, Mary and Francis walked next to them. Charles and Henry were just ahead of them, wide eyed at all the people and decorations.

"Are you feeling alright, Mother?" Francis asked in her ear. He was still a little worried after her episode in the hall.

"I'm fine." she said. A man dressed as St. Nicholas walked with a donkey that carried a basket full of biscuits and sweets, and a few toys.

"Mother look!" Henry yelled pointing at the donkey. He started running toward it.

"Henry don't run off by yourself!" Henry ignored her. "Henry!"

"Don't worry Mother, I'll get him." Charles said running after him.

"Charles. I don't want you running off either." she said, but he was already off after his little brother. Catherine looked upset.

"No worries." Bash said to her and went after them. He caught up to them, scooped Henry up and put him on his back. "Care for a ride little brother?" Henry giggled.

"Bash your not a donkey." he said still giggling.

"Of course not. I'm much too good looking." he joked as Catherine came up behind them.

"Is that so? I do hope you're not getting a swelled head." she said with a smirk.

"Well, if I am, it's all your fault." he said.

"My fault?" She asked amused.

"There must be something special about me for me to have been worthy enough to capture your heart." he said. She smiled.

"There is definitely something special about you, but perhaps you should stop being so aware of it." she laughed a bit. She turned to look at Henry who was still hanging off of Bash's back. "And you sir. When I tell you not to run off, I'm not saying it for my health."

"Sorry Mother." he said looking guilty.

"It's alright. Just don't do it again." she said smiling and touching his cheek.

"Mother can we go exploring?!" asked Charles. Catherine looked at Bash and then back at Charles.

"Alright, but only if you stay near Bash. You do as he says." she said ruffling his hair.

"Yay!" Henry yelled. Bash laughed and they took off into the square.

"Don't let them eat too many you hear me?" she called after them. No response came. Catherine pursed her lips.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Mary said as she and Francis strode up beside her.

"I know. It just unnerves me letting them out here in the open like this." she said. She turned to look at Francis. "Aren't you going to go play with your little brothers?"

"I am king now Mother. The people will hardly respect me if they see me frolicking around like a child." he said.

"Oh honestly, Francis. Even your father had a little fun occasionally. The people didn't respect him any less for it." she said. Francis made a face at the mention of his father. Catherine noticed this. "Go on Francis, you hardly get time to spend with them, they look up to you."

"Alright. I suppose it has been awhile." he said and began to follow after the boys.

"I sense an ulterior motive in you sending him to play with the boys." Mary said. Catherine merely gave her a look to let her know she'd sensed correctly. Mary smiled.

No one has to knowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora