Chapter 11

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Before moving on, Bash handed Catherine his crossbow.

"Take this. It's dangerous out here. You should have something to protect yourself with." she took it. "You put the arrow in like this and then..." he started to explain but she started laughing. "What?"

"Bash...I know how to use a crossbow. Rather well actually." she told him.

"You've used one before?" he asked.

"Yes. I have. Your fa..." she paused and adjusted her words, it still bothered her a bit. "Henry used to take me on his hunting trips when we were younger, before...well." Bash looked down realizing what she meant."But I think he only really stopped taking me because he was embarrassed when he realized I was better than him." she added with a bit of amusement in her voice.

"You were...good?" he probed.

"Well, where did you think Francis got his archery skills? Henry was marvelous with a sword, but couldn't hit the broad side if a barn with an arrow." she said. Bash smiled wide.

"Well aren't you just full of surprises?" he said.

"My love, you haven't even scratched the surface." she said lips curling mischievously.

They continued walking arm and arm, their fingers laced together.

"It's terrible that something so simple as holding your hand has to feel as though we're committing some sort of crime." she said after a few moments.

"A crime? Well maybe we should be punished. I'll tell you what, I'll punish you if you punish me." he said laughing. She pulled her hand away and slapped him playfully.

"Bash, do you have to be so vulgar?" she said annoyed but also partially amused.

"I beg your pardon your grace. I hope I haven't offended." he continued jokingly as he performed a half hearted bow.

"Believe me, if you had offended me, you would surely already know." she said in a mock threatening voice while grabbing the collar of his jacket and pulling him up to her for a quick kiss.

"I'm sure I would be shaking in my boots." he replied.

"Oh, but you wouldn't have time to be afraid. You'd never see it coming."  she warned.

"So we are back to punishments then." teased her.

"Oh, stop that." she said.

"Alright, alright. I'm done. I just can't help but tease you. You are quite beautiful when you're annoyed. But then again, you're always beautiful." he said kissing her hand. She laced her fingers with his once more and I they continued on.

After they'd been walking a bit. Catherine's stomach growled loudly.

"Perhaps we should stop and put those hunting skills of yours to the test. There should be plenty of rabbits in the area we could catch. Besides, we should rest a bit." he said looking for a place to set their bag down.

"Don't let my stomach slow us down. I can make it a bit further." she said.

"We would have to stop at some point anyway. If we don't rest at least a little we'll drop before we make it there." he pointed out. He ushered her to sit on a log that was nearby. "Here. Sit. I'll get a fire started and then we can go catch our lunch." he did as he said and they set out.

After a little time had passed they finally spotted a rabbit. It was a bit far off. Catherine went to hand the crossbow to Bash.

"Oh no. Be my guest. I'd like to see just how good you are." he said.

"Alright then." she answered. She raised the bow and took her shot. It hit perfectly.

"You weren't kidding. That was fantastic." he said.

"What? You thought I was lying?" she asked.

"No. It's just when you said you were better than my father, I had no idea how much better." he said while retrieving the rabbit.

They brought the rabbit back and sat while Bash cleaned it and put it over the fire.

"So tell me, what other hidden talents does Catherine de Medici have?" Bash inquired as the rabbit cooked.

"Honestly?" she asked. Bash nodded. "Well, I suppose you could add horse riding to the list. Maybe dancing, although I haven't done that in years, so who knows if I even still have it in me."

"Well why don't we find out." Bash said standing and extending a hand.

"You're not serious." Bash smiled to assure her. "But there isn't even any music."

"Who needs music." he said pulling her up. "We can simply imagine the music. Unless you'd like me to sing to you. But I warn you that could be dangerous to your ears." he said as he started to turn her around. She laughed.

"You are ridiculous." she said as they moved around the campfire.

"We have one day. One day to ourselves. One day to do anything we want out in the open. I plan to take full advantage, even if it means being...ridiculous." he said twirling her around again.

"Is that so?" she asked coyly.

"Yes, my love it is." he said.

"Well, in that case..." she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him as they continued to sway.

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