Chapter 12

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Kim Jennie

"I'm sorry. He what?"

"He said he was falling in love with me." I turned my head to look at Aeri. We were both lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What did you say?"

"I left." I cringed at my words.

She immediately sat up and looked down at me. "You left? Why?"

"I didn't know what to say."

"The man you have been obsessed with since you met said he loves you and you didn't know what to say?"

"To be fair, everyone was obsessed with Taehyung."

"You know what I mean."

I shrugged. "I'm afraid to get hurt."

There it was. I said it.

Aeri have me a sympathetic look. "It sounds to me like you are the one doing the hurting. He confessed how he felt first, in the woods. Which sounded very hot, by the way. Then you stopped him from telling Junseo. He confessed even more feelings in his apartment. Then you just left without an explanation."

"Ugh." I put my hands over my face. Of course, she was right. If there was a villian in this story, it would be me. Maybe not the typical movie villian, but a villian no less. "What do I do?"

She smiled. "You know what you have to do."


A couple of days had passed since I left Taehyung's place. I had tried to reach out a few times, and he responded. But it was just one-words answers or information about the wedding. Since I wasn't part of the wedding party, I decided to meet Taehyung there. They had pictures to take and pre-wedding events. I didn't want to get in the way. Plus, he never actually invited me to any of that.

"Jennie!" Mrs. K was standing right inside the church doors when i walked in. "You look beautiful."

I blushed. "So do you! I love the colors."

She looked down at her dress. "You know, I was a bit worried when Junseo told me the primary color was burgundy. I'm usually a 'bright color' person. I have to say, i do love it. I'm surprised you didn't arrive with Taehyung."

"I didn't want to get in the way of the pre-wedding festivities."

She gave me a look that told me she wasn't buying it, but she let it go. "Well, find a seat. See you soon."

With that, i headed into the main area of the church.


The ceremony was beautiful. I was genuinely happy for Junseo and Bonghee. Throughout the whole service, Taehyung completely ignored me, not even bothering to glance my way, not even when he walked down the aisle after it was finished.

Had I really hurt him that badly? What if I completely ruined any chance we had to be together? All because I let my stupid fucking pride get in the way.

Since i was Taehyung's date, they assigned me to sit next to him at the main table. I really didn't want to go through the whole reception in an awkward silence. I needed to talk to him before that. But first, I'd need some liquid courage.

Looking to my right, I notice a small bar set up with a vary familiar face behind it. I walked with a smiled.

"Hot bartender?"

He looked at me and laughed. "Candy Cane Martini?"

Laughing with him made the tension instantly fade away.

"I didn't know you worked weddings, too."

He nodded as he grabbed a small towel to clean some glasses. "Weddings are actually my favourite. The bar is fun and all, but you never know what's going to happen. For the most part, weddings are just a bunch of people having a good time." He nodded towards the guests piling in. "Are you with the bride or groom?"


I guess.

"Well, what can I get for you?"

He gave me a smile that would have melt the ice around him if I didn't have someone else on my mind.

"A white wine, please."

"Make that two."

I turned to see Mrs. K.

"Hi. Shouldn't you be with the rest of the party."

She nodded. "Yes. I was actually looking for you. I was hoping you could help me with something."

"Of course." I shrugged as i handed her the wine glass before grabbing my own.

I took a sip before i followed her. Hot bartender filled it up pretty good. The last thing I needed was to have wine sloshing down on my dress.

"It was a lovely ceremony, wasn't it?" Mrs. K asked, taking me away from concentrating on walking and drinking at the same time.

"Mmmm." I swallowed a gulo of wine. "It really was. What was it you needed help with?"

I followed her into a backroom wondering what I could possibly assist with. That's when I saw him.


"Thanks mom." He smiled at her. She winked at me before walking out, shutting the door behind her.

"Taehyung, listen..."

He shook his head. "Nope. You're going to listen. I want to get this out before you run away again."

"I didn't run..." I shut my mouth at the look on his face.

He smirked. "Kim Jennie, you have been a pain in my ass since the first day i met you." He started to walk towards me. "I'm in love with you. Even though I've tried to deny it, I have been for some time now. There was a reason no other  relationships have worked out. It's because they weren't you."

"Then why have you been so cold the last couple of days?" I'm sure I looked like a puppy in the window of a let shop, waiting to be bought. But i couldn't hide the worry on my face.

"Because you needed to figure out for yourself what you wanted. Not what I want, or Junseo, or anyone else. I didn't want to influence your decision. I wanted you to miss me."

He took another step forward, causing me to back up into the door.

"Did you miss me?"

"Yes." I whispered. Emotions rising up inside me I didn't expect.

He put a finger under my chin, lifting it to face him. Then he gave me that cocky, handsome, and irresistible Taehyung smirk. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, I missed you. Yes, I love you. Yes, I was miserable not knowing whether or not I pushed you away."

That's when I kissed him. It wasn't a desire-filled kiss. It was sensual, gentle, and told me everything I needed to know. Kim Taehyung was and always will be mine.

Grabbing my hand, he led us back to the reception area. This time, I didn't pull away.

His brother {Taennie}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें