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Iris POV:

As I set the spaghetti with white sauce on the counter, my fingers trembled with nervousness.

God! Stop shaking, Iris.

The kitchen, bustling with activity, was a whirlwind of sounds and smells—a mix of sizzling pans, clattering utensils, and the fragrant aroma of garlic and herbs.

The pressure of working in this unique café-restaurant hybrid was relentless.

In the morning, it functioned as a cozy café with pastries and coffee; by 12 PM, it transformed into a full-fledged restaurant, only to revert to a café again by 9 PM.

With a deep breath, I shifted my attention to the next dish: tomato soup and garlic bread.

The soup bubbled gently on the stove, and I stirred it carefully, ensuring it didn't stick to the bottom.

I could hear the comforting sound of the soup's simmering as it released its savory aroma.

I placed the bread slices on the grill, arranging them meticulously to ensure they were evenly toasted.

A sudden jolt against my back startled me. I flinched, nearly spilling the soup.

A male voice, somewhat familiar yet jarring, broke through my concentration.

"Sorry," he said, his tone casual but carrying an edge of irritation.

I glanced over my shoulder, barely catching a glimpse of him before I nodded aggressively and muttered, "Sorry," in return.

The kitchen's frenetic pace continued around me, making me anxious.

It's okay. It's okay.

Chickens wearing leather jackets, monkeys wearing trousers, Ace ponytails, puppies wearing shoes.

Finally, I found a moment to sit down at a small table near the kitchen. I dug into my meal, savoring the flavors of the dumplings and fried rice.

Did I mention Hudson came early in the morning to give this lunch.

He's definitely my favorite.

Despite the satisfaction of the meal, I was acutely aware of the curious glances from my coworkers.

They seemed to watch me with a mixture of curiosity and disapproval at my eating way.

I shrugged off their stares, focusing instead on the delicious food before me.

Hmph! I am starving dude.

The hours slipped by in a blur of activity. As the café transitioned back into a restaurant, the pace only intensified.

Well, working as a chef is really busy work dude.

I walked home with a weariness that seemed to seep into every part of me.

The familiar path to my house felt like a small victory in itself. As I entered my home, I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the day lift ever so slightly.

A smile spread across my lips as I finally stretched my muscles, savoring the wave of relief that washed over me.

My body had been on autopilot for hours, moving from one task to the next without pause, and now, finally, I could let the exhaustion wash over me.

"Sugar bun! Welcome home," a cheerful, feminine voice echoed through the room, causing my head to jerk up in surprise.

"Su!" I exclaimed, my voice bubbling with excitement as I jumped up from the couch and hurried toward the living room.

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