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Author POV:

A sharp hiss escaped Aiden's lips as he sat on the cold floor, clutching his arm, blood seeping through his fingers from a fresh wound.

The pain was evident on his face, but it was the shock and betrayal that shone most vividly in his eyes.

"Aiden!" she shouted, running towards him and dropped to her knees beside him, her hands trembling as she tried to assess the injury.

"Aiden, oh my God, are you okay?" Her voice was thick with panic, but there was a determination in her eyes, a need to protect the man she cared about.

Felix's voice, usually so composed, was now tinged with fury as he yelled at him, "ACE! Are you out of your fucking mind?"

His fists clenched tightly at his sides, the veins on his neck bulging with barely restrained rage.

Ace stood a few feet away, the gun still in his hand, the barrel faintly smoking.

But rather than look remorseful or even concerned, he merely murmured, "Ohh, please. It just passed through his skin."

He scratched his head lazily with the slide of the gun, as if the whole incident was nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Everyone's eyes darted to the blood pooling beneath Aiden's hand, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe Ace had actually pulled the trigger.

"Next time, I will not be this gentle," Ace warned, his voice cold and devoid of any empathy as he tucked the pistol back into the holster at his side.

There was a finality to his words that sent a chill through the room.

As Ace turned to leave, his steps measured and unhurried, Alex's patience snapped.

With a growl of frustration, he lunged forward, swinging a fist at Ace with all the strength he could muster.

But Ace was quicker. He sidestepped the punch with a fluid motion and in the same breath, caught Alex's arm, twisting it behind his back in a painful hold.

The speed and precision of the movement were almost inhuman, a testament to Ace's lethal skill.

"Fuck!" Alex shouted, the pain radiating through his twisted arm.

He struggled against Ace's grip, but it was like trying to break free from a steel vise.

Ace's hold was unyielding, his expression disturbingly calm as if he were merely dealing with an unruly child rather than a man in agony.

"Stop it, guys," Ace said in a voice so calm it was unnerving.

His tone carried a sense of authority that made it clear this was not a suggestion but a command.

But before anyone could react, Leo, who had been silently watching the scene unfold with a steely gaze, finally spoke.

His voice was low and filled with disgust as he stepped forward, his face twisted in anger. "BASTA, ti stai approfittando del corpo di una ragazza senza nemmeno il suo permesso e lei non sa che la stai aggredendo!" (STOP IT, you are taking advantage of a girl's body without even her permission, and she doesn't have the knowledge that you're assaulting her)."

Ace's eyes flicked to Leo, a brief flash of something—perhaps irritation or maybe something darker—crossing his face before it was replaced with a cold indifference.

He released Alex, who stumbled forward, clutching his arm, his breathing ragged from the pain.

Hudson, who had been standing back, his eyes narrowed with thought, finally spoke up. His voice was careful, his words chosen with precision.

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