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Iris POV:

As I waited in the café, the rain drummed relentlessly against the windows.

The sky, dark and brooding, seemed to mirror my mood. It felt like winter was clinging on stubbornly, refusing to let go.

It had been days since I last heard from Ace. He had left for Italy with no prior warning or explanation.

The abruptness of his departure was jarring, a stark departure from his usual patterns.

Ace always kept me informed about his whereabouts, but this time, he had vanished without a trace.

Hudson's reaction had been one of intense anger when Liam broke the news.

The news had hit like a punch to the gut, leaving me reeling. Something is wrong.

Despite my feelings of confusion and anger, the predominant emotion was concern.

I should have been furious with him for leaving without a word, but instead, my worry consumed me.

Why had he left so suddenly?

What happened that he left abruptly?

God, please protect him.

The past few days had been a whirlwind of excuses and guilt. I had been putting off meeting Elijah, feeling a growing weight of responsibility and remorse.

I missed Ace terribly, and the absence of our usual conversations and interactions left a gaping hole in my daily routine.

But today, I resolved to end the cycle of excuses and face the reality of the situation.

Elijah had been patient and understanding throughout this turbulent time.

Despite his own busy schedule, he had made time to check in on me and offer his support.

His ability to balance his commitments while showing genuine concern for my well-being was both remarkable and comforting.

In a world where such qualities were rare, Elijah's presence was a welcome relief.

As I sat lost in thought, the sound of someone's hand resting on my shoulder made me flinch.

I looked up, startled, to find Elijah standing before me. His expression was apologetic, his voice carrying a note of sincerity.

"I'm sorry," he said sheepishly, his words laced with a genuine sense of regret.

My lips parted in shock as I took in his appearance more closely.

His striking blue eyes seemed to capture the light in a way that made them even more captivating.

The moles on his face, which had always been a subtle feature, seemed more pronounced now, adding a unique charm to his already handsome face.

He wore a simple shirt and jeans, paired with boots that gave him a refined, classy look.

Damn. Did he become more handsome?

Psst. Not more than my big bear.

His smirk widened as he caught me staring, his tone playful. "Finish admiring me," he teased, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and I offered an awkward smile in response. "You look so different," I said, tapping my fingers on the table.

"Well... thank you for the compliment, darling," he replied smoothly, extending a bouquet of roses toward me.

The fresh, red blooms were vibrant, their petals glistening slightly from the rain.

"It's beautiful," I said, admiring the flowers.

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