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Iris POV:

I rested my elbow on the armrest, grinning as I glanced away.

Wipe it, Iris.

His fingers roamed casually along my clothed inner thighs, his gaze fixed on the road ahead as he navigated the car.

Thankfully winter had started or not, his hands will be inside my panties, a tantalizing yet slightly embarrassing habit.

But I knew that regardless of the season, his hands would find their way under my panties. 

Because in summer he would make me wear frocks and slide his sinful hands inside my frock.

It's not like I hate frocks but he can't keep his hands off me.

It's not like I hate it but I am shy.

I like his hands there but I am still awkward though.

I was wearing baggy jumper pants inside a full-sleeve top with my black Converse, I was set to head to college with Alex.

BUT then, to my surprise, Ace insisted on dropping us off.

His sudden change of heart shook me to the core.

Ace had always been adamant about keeping our relationship hidden. 

That's why he never dropped me at college or even picked me up. he insisted and I felt a tsunami inside my stomach.

A loud yawn escaped me as I rubbed my face, struggling to open my eyes.

Last night was...long...forbidden love. We are so dirty.

"Mini," his rough voice sent shivers down my spine.

I hummed softly, gazing at my perfect man. Oh, la la!

My eyes widened when his lips touched mine, suddenly.

His hand crept up to my nape, grabbing gently with a tinge of roughness.

I always find it amusing to kiss him.

The feel of his lips on mine, gently sucking on my lips. I feel like a creep.

He retreated slightly, our noses touching playfully, our gazes locking in a sleepy stare, our lips grazing each other in playful provocation.

"Cosa farò senza di te nella mia vita? (What will I do without you in my life)," he uttered, softly.

His hand found my hips, lifting me effortlessly to straddle his welcoming warmth.

The compact space was a comfortable fit due to my shorter height.

He gathered me closer, causing our noses to mischievously knock each other.

An abrupt honk interrupted our intimate moment, drawing my eyes from his captivating face.

Astonishment flashed in my eyes, followed by a wave of embarrassment that prompted me to bite my lip.

The car was parked on the sidewalk of my university's entrance.

I gasped in shock when his lips roughly kissed me.

His finger slid the straps of my jumper and my full-sleeve top.

Exposing my shoulder and sucking on my neck with his monstrous tongue.

I let out a hum when he sucked in a specific place on my neck.

My toes curled inside my shoes and my stomach tightened in a sudden pleasure.

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