The Summit

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Kratos, Ryuu, and Atreus then made their way back where the troll was.

After that they reached the place where the troll was and saw a path.

Atreus: Hey, look! There is a path where the troll was standing.

He approached it, when suddenly a couple of draugr came from the ground as he quickly drew his bow and fired an arrow at one of them while jumping back.

Kratos then sliced through one of them in half with the axe before Atreus jumped on top of Kratos and fired at the other draugr in the head and killed it. One last draugr appeared from the ground before Ryuu killed it quickly.

Atreus: I was ready for them this time.

Kratos: I saw.

Atreus: So I should keep my expectations low, but always expect an attack.

Kratos: It is a delicate balance. Expect the worse, assume nothing. And always anticipate an attack.

Atreus: Sure is a lot to remember.

They made their way through the path as Atreus was ahead of Kratos and Ryuu.

Ryuu: You know. We've only met a couple of hours ago. But you remind me of someone I know.

Kratos: How so?

Ryuu: I'm not sure. But what I know is that you seem to want to distance yourself from others.

Kratos: Why does it matter?

Ryuu: Because that person is important to me.

Kratos: I am not that person, you should tell this to them instead.

Ryuu: Yeah. Maybe you're right.

After a few minutes, they reached the end of the path and see there was a lift.

Atreus: Great! We can use this to get to reach the top of the mountain.

Kratos: We do not know if it will take us to the top, but we'll use it as high is it takes us.

He said as he entered the lift and the other two followed before pulling the lever as the platform started rising.

Ryuu: We're barely around half way to the top.

Atreus: Do you know if it takes us to the top?

Ryuu: This is the first time I take this path. So, I don't know.

The platform kept rising as they saw there were multiple giant holes with paths and Atreus saw light above them.

Atreus: Look. We're almost at the submit! Nothing's gonna stop us.

Suddenly, they saw lightning fired from one of the paths before they saw a dragon come out of it.

Suddenly, they saw lightning fired from one of the paths before they saw a dragon come out of it

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Kratos: Stay behind me, boy! Ryuu, with me!

The dragon tried to slam it's claws at them as they were able to dodge it before Kratos and Ryuu quickly slashed it multiple times.

The Ghost of Aincrad.(SAO x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now