Problems in Another World.

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Y/N entered a restaurant before he saw someone calling him from a table.

Y/N entered a restaurant before he saw someone calling him from a table

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Y/N walked to him before sitting with him.

Man: I'll pay, so order whatever you want.

Y/N: I'll do that then. Thank you.

Kikuoka: Don't be so formal with me. Just talk to me like you would in ALO.

Y/N: Fine.

He then looked at the menu.

Y/N: I'll have a Halzenut Café and a Chocolate Parfait.

The waiter took his order before leaving them.

Man: Sorry to bring you all the way here, Kratos.

Y/N: Do not call me that in the real world, Kikuoka.

Kikuoka: You're so cold... After you woke up in the hospital a year ago, I was the first to person to visit you.

Y/N: What else do you need? I already told you pretty much all I knew about SAO.

Kikuoka: I want to discuss something else today. Look at this.

He then showed Y/N a file with a photo on it.

He then showed Y/N a file with a photo on it

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Y/N: Who is this?

Kikuoka: Hmm, last month, on November 14... Tha landlord of a Nakano, Tokyo apartment building smelled something while cleaning. She got worried and opened the electronic lock on the door, and discovered the body of this man, Shigemura Tamotsu, age 26. He's been dead five and a half days. His room was messy but hadn't been ransacked, The body was on the bed. And on its head...

Y/N: An Amusphere?

Kikuoka: Exactly. Given the possibility of a foul play, an autopsy was held. The cause of death was acute heart failure.

Y/N: A heart failure? His heart just stopped? Why?

Kikuoka: We don't know.

The waiter then arrived with the order and placed it on the table before leaving.

The Ghost of Aincrad.(SAO x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now