The Marked Warrior.

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Kirito, Yui, Kratos, Mimir,  and Atreus appeared in a white hallway, as Yui was no longer on her Pixie form.

Kirito: Yui? Where are we?

Yui: I don't know. There's no mapping data

Kratos: Mimir?

Mimir: Sorry, brother, but this place is not in my knowledge.

Atreus: Can you tell where Asuna is, Yui?

Yui: Yes. 

She then closed her eyes.

Yui: She's close... Very close. This way!

She startet running through the hall as Kirito, Kratos, and Atreus followed her.

She then turned a corner and made a hole through the wall, before continuing and after a few moments they were outside the halls and were on the branches of the World Tree.

Kirito: This is the top of World Tree?

Mimir: Well, this is disappointing. There is no city here.

Atreus: You didn't know about that?

Mimir: Oberon only implanted in me the knowledge that he wanted me to know.

Kratos: Some Grand Quest.

He then looked up and saw a cage on one of the branches.

Kratos: Look.

They also looked at the cage before Kirito and Kratos nodded and they followed the path that branches made.

After running for some time, they saw Asuna laying her head on a table before she heard the voice of her daughter.

Yui: Mama!

She rises her head before she saw Kirito and Yui behind the door.

Yui: Mama!

Asuna looked at them as tears began falling from her eyes.

Yui destroyed the door before rushing at Asuna and hugged her as Asuna immediately returned the hug.

Asuna: Yui!

Yui: Mama...

Kirito then walked to them and joined them before he and Asuna pressed their foreheads together.

Kirito: I'm sorry I'm late.

Asuna: No, I knew... I knew you'd come to save me.

She then looked back at the door as she saw Kratos and Atreus.

Asuna: Kratos. Is it really you?

Kratos: Yes.

Asuna: And he is?

Kratos: My son.

Asuna: Your son? You'll have to tell me about it later. Thank you for coming too.

Mimir: This is a very touching moment. It almost makes me cry.

Asuna: Huh, who-?

Before she finished Kratos grabbed Mimir and showed him.

Asuna: What is-

Kratos: His name is Mimir, he helped us on our journey. We'll explain later for now, we have to get you out of here.

He said as he placed Mimir back on his hip.

Kirito: Right. Yui, can you log out Asuna?

Yui: Mama's status is locked down by complicated codes. We'll need a system console to dispel them.

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