Zekken's Truth.

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Kratos and Mimir were at the inn where he used to reunite with the Sleeping Knights.

???: Kratos.

Kratos turned around as he saw Siune.

Kratos: Siune. Where is Yuuki? She hasn't logged in three days.

Siune: Since then, we've been unable to reach her, either. Kratos, I believe Yuuki doesn't want to see you again. For your sake, and one else's.

Kratos: What does that mean?

Siune stayed silent.

Kratos: I see.

Kratos stood up as he grabbed Mimir and placed it on his hip before walking to the door.

Kratos: Just know, I will not stop looking for her.

He said before walking out and Siune looked down with a saddened face.

Mimir: Brother, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Kratos: Yes. I did not think it was this serious.

*Time skip*

It was the middle of the night as Y/N was on his computer with a camera next to it, and he heard Atreus from it.

Atreus: Father, you haven't slept much these three days.

Y/N: I need to find her first. I cannot accept that she would just cut ties like that.

He then heard Mimir speak from the same camera.

Mimir: She doesn't seem the type to do that.

Kratos then opened a window before his eyes widened.

Y/N: I found her.

Atreus: You did?

Y/N: Yes. I will see for myself tomorrow. For now...

He stood up before laying on his bed.

Y/N: I will rest a bit.

Atreus: Good night, Father.

Mimir: Have a good rest, Brother.

*Time skip*

It was the next morning as Y/N was in front of a hospital.

He entered it before walking to the receptionist.

Recepsionist: You're here to see someone? 

Y/N: Yes. I am looking for a girl. Her name could be Yuuki.

Receptionist: That isn't enough...

Y/N: She must be using a Medicuboid you're testing here.

Another receptionist heard him as she talked to him.

Receptionist2: I'm sorry, but what's your name?

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N. But she should know me by Kratos.

Receptionist2: Sit on that bench, and wait for a minute.

She said before leaving and Y/N sat on the bench.

After a few minutes, a man with a lab coat approached Y/N.

Doctor: Hello, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. So you're Kratos, yes?

Y/N: Yes. But call me Y/N.

Doctor: My name is Kurahashi. I'm Konno Yuuki's doctor.

Kurahashi then took Y/N to another room as they sat down.

Kurahashi: I'm surprised you found this place. Yuuki said that someone named Kratos might come to see her.

Y/N: She did?

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