Guns and Swords.

590 23 13

Kratos and the girl reached the entrance of the general governor's office.

Kratos: Five minutes.

???: We can still make it. This way!

They then ran in the office.

Kratos then looked around.

Kratos: *thoughts* Is Death Gun here?

???: Here.

They then reached the sign in area.

???: You can enter the tournament here. It's a normal touch panel terminal. Do you know how to use it?

Kratos: Yes.

??: I'll be right next to you, so if you need any help, ask me.

They each went to a terminal as Kratos signed-in and there was an option to enter his real address for top-prizes.

He ignored it and submitted it. 

???: Are you done?

Kratos: Yes. I appreciate your help.

???: It's fine. It was kind of fun. Riding in that buggy. Anyway, which qualifier block did you get?

Kratos looked at the different blocks and found his name.

Kratos: Block F. F-37.

???: Oh, I see. I'm in Block F, too. Maybe because we signed up at the same time. I'm 12, which means... Good. Even if I run into you, it'll be in the finals.

Kratos: What is good?

???: As long as you make it to the final battle of the qualifiers, you can participate in the battle royal  in the main tournament. So it's possible we could both get to to the main tournament.

Kratos: I see.

???: But if I do see you in the finals, even if it's a qualifier... I won't go easy on you.

Kratos: Understood. If that happens, do not go easy.

They then started walking.

Kratos: For a foreign game, the Japanase on this is good. The official site was only in English.

???: The company that operates it, Zaskar, is American, but Japanase staff is assigned to the server for Japan. But you know, GGO is in a kind of a legal gray zone, in both Japan and America.

Kratos: Because of the real miney-conversion system?

???: The official page has only minimal information. You can only manage your character, access the e-money accounts you need for currency conversion, or do most anything game-related inside the game itself. That's why it's almost entirely cut off from the real world. Because of that, it feels like the real me and the me that exists here are two different pople. 

Kratos simply looked at her before she shook her head.

???: It's nothing, sorry. We need to get the tournament-qualifier area. Are you ready?

Kratos: Yes.

???: That's it.

She pointed at a door as they entered it and saw numerous players with their guns out.

???: I'm going to get changed. You should do that, too. You can use any unnocupied changing room.

Kratos: Right.

The girl walked off as Kratos looked at the players again.

Kratos: *thoughts* One of them may could be Death Gun...?

The Ghost of Aincrad.(SAO x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now