Journey to the World Tree.

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Kratos and Atreus were behind a log as Atreus took his bow and aimed it at the boar.

Kratos: When you are ready. Draw to your chest. A wild boar's hide is thick.

Atreus then pulled the string and after a few moments he fired the arrow as it bounced off from the boar before it ran away.

Atreus: But... I hit it. Didn't I? I did what you said and it looked like it bounced off. Could the boar be magical?

Kratos: What do you think?

Atreus: It looked like a really weird boar...

Kratos: Get after it then.

They then followed the path that the boar took and followed it.

After a few minutes, they saw the boar as they got behind a fallen log.

Atreus: I got it.

He said as he took an arrow from his quiver and placed it on the string.

Atreus: Elbow up. Steady hand. Relax... Accuracy over speed...

He fired the arrow as it hit the boar and stuck in it.

Atreus: YES!

He said while looking at Kratos with a wide smile.

Kratos: Do not lose it.

Atreus started running at the boar's direction but as Kratos was going to follow him, he noticed Atreus' knife fell from his hip. He picked it up before putiing it on his satchel and followed the path, but did not see Atreus.

Kratos: Boy?

He kept jogging through the path before he saw the path continued through stone walls.

Kratos: Boy! Where are you?

He then heard Atreus voice.

Atreus: Hurry, Sir! I found him!

Kratos continued as he noticed he seemed to be in a maze.

Kratos: Atreus!

Atreus: He's slowing down!

Kratos: Wait for me, Boy!

Atreus: Sir, over here!

He kept heading at Atreus' voice but still did not find him.

Kratos: Atreus?!

He then heard a woman's voice.


Atreus: I'm sorry!

Kratos then began running towards Atreus' voice before he saw a crack on a stone wall and he went through it before jumping down where he was now in an area without snow and saw a Atreus and a woman with the boar on the ground.

Atreus: We didn't know he belonged to anyone.

Woman: He doesn't, he's my friend.

Kratos: The boy was following my command.

The woman turned around as Kratos was able to see her appearance.

The woman turned around as Kratos was able to see her appearance

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