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timeskip to start of september


me and sigma were sitting in the student council office and suddenly the principal walked in and sat down.

"fyodor, sigma" the principal started.

me and sigma immediately started looking at the principal.

"yes mrs. tanaka?" we both asked.

"recently students have started a signature taking thing to get a teacher removed out of the school, you have an idea on what student started it?" the principal asked.

"i wasn't aware of the signature taking" sigma said.

"i know about it but i have no information on who started it" i said.

"well that's whatever. apparently it's the teacher that got lots of complaints from students and they're all pretty serious so we're thinking of firing them from their job at the university. it's the teacher for our new subject, history, akimitsu ikari. we found a new history teacher, however she won't be capable of teaching for history group c due to the too small amount of students for her liking. also her name is kimiko myoga" the principal said.

"wait so, what will happen for history group c because of it?" sigma asked.

"we were wanting to know if either of you are able to teach them" the principal said.

"i'm in history group c myself so i can't be the teacher" sigma said.

"weirdly enough, when history group c has history then i have a free lesson which i use to do work in the student council office so i can take in to teach history group c" i said.

"great! so fyodor, your positions in this university now is our student, student council president, president of digital design club and the teacher of history group c" the principal said.

"i rather stick with just student or student council president but yes thank you" i said.

"you're welcome. i'll be calling akimitsu to let him know his job at our university is over and that kimiko can start her job" the principal said.

"got it!" we both said.

the principal exited the student council and me and sigma looked at each other.

"wait so that means you're going to teach me history!" sigma said.

"yes i am!" i said.

we both chuckled a bit before returning to our work.

timeskip to history class with the history group c


i entered the class and saw nikolai, dazai and chuuya already sat down at their desks. i couldn't believe that i'm in a group with them.

"why are you guys like this?" i asked.

"that boring and annoying history teacher again" nikolai said.

"i want him gone already" chuuya said.

"me as well" dazai said.

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