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it was the last class of the day. i'm sitting in biology class with sigma and we're doing the class work together with noting everything down.

the bell rang and i started to putting my stuff in my bag.

"remember to get ready for the test next lesson. have a great day everyone!" the teacher said.

i was done with putting my stuff back in my bag and went out of the classroom. i standed there since i had to wait for nikolai. sigma came up to me.

"aren't you going to go home or something?" sigma asked.

"yes but not right now. i have to wait for nikolai" i said.

"ohhh alright. well then byeee, see you tomorrow!" he said.

"alright, byeee" i said.

sigma went away and with that i saw chuuya walk out and go downstairs to go home. i finally saw nikolai and he walked up to me.

"heyyy baby, ready to go?" i asked.

"yes i am babe" nikolai said.

i kissed his forehead and we went together hand in hand.

once we got at the wardrobes we got our jackets and put them on before exiting the university building.

and of course, we were walking together to my home, obviously holding hands.

"i'm quite nervous to ask your parents if i can move in" he said suddenly.

"oh it's gonna be alright, trust me" i said.

"alright i'll try to be calm about it" he said.

"yes yes calm yourself down" i said.

once they got there

i opened the door to the apartment and let him in before letting myself in. we were taking off our shoes when my mom came to us.

"oh hey nikolai!" my mom said.

"hey irina!" nikolai said.

i put my hand on nikolai's shoulder, signalling him to ask my mom about it.

"hey uhm, i have a question" nikolai said to my mom.

"what is it?" my mom asked.

"uhm, because of some stuff, and as fyodor suggested me, is it okay if i move in to live here until me and fyodor move in to live together?" nikolai asked.

"well, everyone in this family has nothing against you so i'm assuming you can move in here" my mom said.

fedora was also here suddenly.

"what's up mom? who's moving in with us?" fedora asked.

"nikolai" my mom said.

"oooooh more people to annoy" fedora said as a joke.

i laughed.

"by the way where's dad?" i asked.

"he went out of town on a business trip and won't be back until saturday" my mom said.

"ohhh alright" i said.

i grabbed nikolai with me and we went to my room.

"i can't believe i'm allowed to move in" nikolai said.

"see? i told you that they'll allow you to move in here" i said.

"when can i start moving in?" he asked.

"you can start this week. next week starts the two week break but you'll have the surgeries during the time too so if you really want your surgeries as soon as possible you can start moving in this week, i'll help you" i said.

"oh yeah my surgeries. yeah i'll need some help with moving" he said.

"alright i'll help you with that. we can start tomorrow. we leave our bags here and then go get your stuff" i said as a suggestion.

"that's the best way" he said.

i moved his hair out of the way and kissed his forehead softly and he giggled.

"i guess this will be my last night that i'll be staying at my house" he said.

"yeah, and then you'll be sleeping with me every night" i said.

"can't wait to sleep with you every night. i'll still need to call the person i bought the house from about selling it again" he said.

"yeah you'll definitely have to" i said.

"at least i'll get all my money back on what i payed for living there" he said.

"you get refunds?" i asked.

"yes. that's why i have to call that person about selling the house. i'll be a rich baby again" he said.

"you know you're my baby, right?" i asked.

"yes babe. i'm only your baby, no one else's baby" he said.

"exactly" i said.

i kissed his cheek softly and he giggled once again.

"okay baby i gotta do my homework" i said.

"you just got home and you're already doing homework?" he asked with a pout.

"yeah, it's my daily school day routine. i get home and immediately do my homework" i said.

"no wonder you're always giving your homework in time" he said.

"just trying to keep my status of a good student who takes studies seriously and finds it important" i said.

"at least you're not like those nerds that isolate themselves from everyone and don't make friends or get into relationships and only think about studies and nothing else" he said.

"if i was like that, i wouldn't be friends with all of you and we wouldn't be in a relationship, therefore both of us being single" i said.

"well ever since you asked me to be yours and i said yes, i never want to be single ever again" he said.

"you're never gonna be single ever again so don't worry about it" i said.

"i'm glad" he said.

i pulled him closer to me and kissed his forehead. i placed my hand on his waist and went down to kiss him down his neck. i could feel his face heat up and i just knew he was blushing. although i knew what i was doing, i went down to his collarbone and bited it. he moaned quietly and i could hear him well.

after a bit of biting on his collarbone and him moaning quietly under me, i was finally able to form a hickey on his collarbone. i moved away from his collarbone and neck and smirked at him.

"well, now people can know that you're taken" i said.

he grabbed his phone and opened the camera app in front camera mode to look at his collarbone and blushed at it.

"so, what do you think of the hickey?" i asked.

"i like it, but i would like more" he said.

"not today baby, some other day" i said.

"awwww, okii" he said with a little frown.

"it's okay, at least i heard your sweet little moans" i said.

"i would've moaned louder if your parents and sister weren't at home" he said.

"i would've bit your skin harder and went further if they weren't home either" i said.

i pecked his lips and smiled at him. he also blushed and smiled back at me.


a/n : hope u enjoyed the slight smut towards the end. drink water, don't skip ur meals, stay safe and take care! bye bye sweethearts! <33

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