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a/n : i feel like y'all deserve a chapter that only has sigzai and has smut so yes. sigzai fluff and smut. :33


it's a friday evening and i was trying my best to make dinner for tonight cause sigma is coming over at mine and i don't want him to not like the food i make cause he's studying cooking in our university so he knows what really good food is and i know how to make food thanks to fyodor.

luckily i was able to do everything well so i'm just hoping that sigma will like it.

as soon as i was done with everything, i heard the door bell ring. i ran to it, opened it and saw sigma. i hugged him and kissed his cheek immediately.

"heyyyy there baby, come on in! dinner is exactly ready" i said letting him in.

he giggled.

"i see your giving me sudden princess treatment right now" he said with a smile.

"you deserve the best treatment possible in this world because of how perfect you are. you're so drop dead gorgeous, i'm just so lucky to have you" i said to him.

"my loveee stoppp, you're making me flustered right now" he said.

"like i should be" i said.

i don't know why, but suddenly i want to see him under me on my bed while he's whimpering and moaning.

"now come on in my princess~" i said.

i grabbed his hand like a prince grabs the hand of his princess and took him to the kitchen. i sat him down at the table.

"wait a bit my queen, i'll give you food in just a moment" i said.

"alright my knight in shining armor" he said.

i kissed his hand before letting it go and going to get him the dinner i made. just by treating him like royalty i'm trying to hide the fact that i'm horny and want to be inside him.

i got food for us both and put them on the table next to our places.

"eat well sugar" i said.

"thank you my love" he said.

i smiled at how cute he is.

"also you alright with me calling you princess and queen?" i asked.

"as long as it's you calling me that or someone referring to me as your princess and your queen then i don't mind at all" he said.

"good. you're my princess and my queen and no one else's" i said.

"only yours" he said.

i smooched his forehead before starting to eat and he started to eat too.

"mmmm this is so good" he said happily with his mouth full.

"don't talk with your mouth full of food, you know that's rude~" i said teasingly.

he swallowed his food.

"yeah the food is very good" he said.

"i'm glad you like it. i tried my best cause i didn't want to poison you" i said.

"of course you wouldn't want to poison me cause who will you give the princess treatment to if i die from poisoning?" he asked.

"yesss that was my thought process while thinking of what to make for dinner for us both" i said.

he went back to eating then and i decided to continue eating too.

for some reason, as much as i loved eating my food in the kitchen, i would rather eat up sigma in my bedroom. we never had any sexual talks towards each other or talked about sex before, but he's making me horny. i seriously should calm my hormones down right now.

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