Chapter : 17 ✨ Sharp Knife ✨

Start from the beginning

Jimin Start the car Ziya was crying while hugging Ali. Ali comforts her Shobeb wipes her tears Mahi keeps looking back at her to see her condition. Everyone was worried for her, but she didn't say a word she was just crying Non-stop.

Junaid was looking at Ziya through the front mirror of the car. He was praying for her. Jimin asked Junaid in a low voice, "What happened to her?" "I didn't ask her anything, but it seems they were robbers."Jimin looked at Junaid in disbelief.

When everyone enters the house with Ziya, Aysha and Zayed ran to Ziya. She hugged Zayed and said, "Appa... they took the ring you gave, they took my ring forcefully, that ring was very precious to you, I'm sorry Appa, I lost it" Zayed made her sit on the sofa. Ziya was still crying while hugging him. Her eyes were red and puffy. Zayed said "My precious Khadija, My life is qurban on you, it was just a simple ring, but you are my life, you are so precious to me. Stop crying my brave child. Appa is here by your side" Aysha noticed the slap mark on her cheek. She gave her a glass of water and wipes her tears and caressed her cheeks.

Zayed caressed her hand and said, "Khadija, there is nothing to fear, tell me what happened." Ziya told him everything in a trembling voice. They were all present there. Junaid, Ali, Jimin stood and listened carefully to Ziya's words. Shoheb and Mahi cry after hearing her words. Shoheb said to Mahi "Noona! That bad girl beat my Ziya Noona? Noona got hurt for me. But I was with Hyung" Mahi wiped Shoheb's eyes and said "don't cry they are bad people that's why they did such things." After the doctor arrived, Zayed and Aysha took Ziya to her room.

The doctor came out of the room and said, "The wound on her palm is very deep, it will take time to heal, don't forget to do the dressing on time. I given her an injection, so she needs to rest now. She has a fever. If the fever increases at night, give these medicines." There is nothing to worry about, she was too shocked that's why she got fever.

After the doctor leaves Zayed says "Ali take Mahi to her house and bring these medicines on the way back home" Zayed puts his hand on Mahi's head and says "My child, Ziya is fine now don't worry about her." Jimin said  "Ali i'll also go with you." Then Mahi, Ali and Jimin leave. Zayad went to Junaid and put his hand on Junaid's shoulder and said "Junaid, my child thank you very much, I don't know what they would have done with my precious Khadija if you had not found her in time" Zayed became emotional. "Allah Shukar Alhamdullillah for protecting my Moon from danger"

Then Zayed's phone rang. He picked up the call and said "My card was used exactly 15 minutes and 52 seconds ago. There were three of them a girl and 2 boys, I gave you 5 hours to find them" then he hang up the call.


4 people were sitting in a room while talking and drinking alcohol. A boy came to them and said "Boss
well-known businessman Muhammad Zayed's secretary asked us to find out 3 people. He said that he will give as much money as we wants but we have to find them in 5 hours. One of them said "Yoongi you do this work, only you can find them in such a short time"

Yoongi throw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his shoe "I don't hurt innocent people, I can't kill anyone for the sake of their business and money I only punish criminals and bad people" The boy said "These are not innocent people they are robbers. They injured and robbed his innocent daughter, he told us to find them, because they will hand them over to the police" One of them said "yes I know Muhammad Zayed, I heard his name a lot because he is very generous person, he is very famous for helping the poor people and donating. In his factory he gave the opportunity to the poor people to work. All the people of Busan know him. He is honest and kind person."

Yoongi says "I have to work even when I come to Busan for a vacation!!!!

Yoongi finds them in 3 hours and 40 minutes. Zayed handed them over to the police. He thanked Yoongi and gave him few bundle's of money. Yoongi took two bundles of money and gave the rest back to Zayed and said "I took what I was paid for my work, take it back" Zayed placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and said, "Your heart is made of gold, InShaaAllah, Allah will guide you one day, your eyes talks, how lonely you are, loneliness doesn't last forever, one day you will find your happiness. You can keep this money. I'm satisfied with your work" Zayed caressed his head and said "thank you." Yoongi thought to himself is he a psychologist? Or is he an astrologer? He was shocked at Zayed's word.

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