16 | So Much Fear and Anxiety

164 10 23

22 BBY, Month 10


As reinforcements arrived, Joseta and the 501st were able to reach the original rendezvous for the landing point

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As reinforcements arrived, Joseta and the 501st were able to reach the original rendezvous for the landing point. Anakin said nothing about her escapade with the bug towers, but only shot her a look. Ahsoka gave her a thumbs up which Joseta took as a win.

Captain Rex jogged beside Joseta as they reached the center of the barricade made from ships. The men must have taken a heavy toll here, the lines of dead or wounded longer than Joseta had ever seen. Rex placed a hand on her shoulder, not a word to say. He was called off, leaving Joseta to herself.

While the others rushed to a man in the center of the barricade, Joseta made her way over to where a medic seemed to have set up his station, the cots of troopers in the shade of a shuttle. Joseta only worked on the clones for a moment before Echo approached her. "You're requested to tend to General Kenobi."

Joseta nodded. "General Kenobi, got it."

Echo escorted Joseta to the center where a hologram map flickered in and out against the bright sun. Sitting against some crates was a thirty-something jedi, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex. The unfamiliar jedi had honey-colored hair and beard as well as some clone trooper armor attached to his jedi robes. This had to be General Kenobi. Joseta wondered if her brother was here with the 212th.

As the briefing finished, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex made their way off somewhere, probably fulfilling the rest of the mission, leaving Joseta and Echo with the injured general.

"General, this is Sergeant Joseta Pro'oz." Echo saluted the man before rushing off to the fight.

"Hello, there," the older man said with an accent, trying to get up, but he winced in pain as he tried to do so.

"General Kenobi," I responded, kneeling beside him. "Don't overexert yourself."

The man paused. "You know, you're not to first to say that."

Confused, Joseta just nodded, starting to sort through her medpack.

The general leaned back, resting his eyes. "So, you're the new medic and pilot for Anakin's unit?"

"Yes, sir," Joseta replied, taking his arm as gently as she could, moving it around to see if he had pain.

"I'm sure he's teased you about flying." General Kenobi winced. "No matter what he says, know that he is not as good as he implies. Safety is the last thing on his mind when it comes to flying."

Joseta chuckled, prodding his rib cage. The general groaned in pain. "That's your problem there."

General Kenobi raised a brow. "Safety and flying?"

"No, your ribs," Joseta explained before shaking her head with a laugh. "I'm sorry, I think I respond but I—"

Joseta sensed something coming up behind them as hairs rose on the back of her neck. General Kenobi ignited his lightsaber as soon as Joseta pulled out her gun, but another clone got to it first, the bug dropping to the ground.

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