07 | Naboo Flower Heist

178 14 20

22 BBY, Month 9


Rex was perplexed

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Rex was perplexed. He couldn't get a full read or understanding of Pro'oz. Sometimes, she seemed like she was all about professionalism, but then she carried herself in a way that read she didn't care about it at the same time. Whatever it was, it was irking Rex. He wanted to find out what her deal was sooner than later.

He leaned on a tree at the edge of the forest where the shuttles had landed, watching Sergeant Pro'oz exit the ship. She and Kix were laughing about something as they descended the ramp to join the others. Her dark hair was pulled into a tight, military bun, the only hairs out of place being her choppy bangs which were shoved beneath her cap. Her long nose crinkled near the top with every smile she made. How could she be so happy?

Grunting in frustration, Rex stalked over to the duo talking, hands clasped behind his back. Suddenly, he felt shy to approach the two who were discussing. Why was he though? He was a captain of the 501st. He shouldn't get scared because of a stranger.

"Captain!" Kix grinned, saluting him. "Glad you're here. Joseta just told me about the time she rewired a whole practice shuttle, making the ceiling lights change colors like it was Makermas."

Joseta, Rex thought dryly. He had forgotten she had a first name. It always seemed to slip his mind that people outside of clones had at least two, if not three names. That sounded confusing to him.

Joseta flushed, straightening. "Well, it was for a project to show off your mechanical engineering skills." She bit the inside of her gums.

"Sounds festive," he said, clenching his jaw in thought.

"Not as festive as Naboo's one and only red sun lilies," General Skywalker said, strolling into the conversation. He hit his fist into his palm. "We have until sundown to find two dozen of them."

Rex blinked, a shot of anger shooting through his veins. "We are out here to look for flowers."

"Yeah, the 501st is gifting a bouquet to Senator Amidala for helping fund the newcomers," General Skywalker said, patting Joseta on the back who flinched.

"Didn't my mom also have a big part in it?" she asked, under her breath. "Sir."

Anakin scrunched his nose. "We can find four dozen flowers." He shrugged. "Wasn't sure if your mom was a flower kinda lady or a box of chocolate type."

"Uh, either would work," Joseta said, eyes on the ground as the Jedi general traipsed off to tell the next group of clones the plan.

Rex clicked a few buttons on his comm, pulling up a picture of the red sun lilies. It was a star shaped lily with red and orange streaks. The three stamen hanging out of the center of the flower were white with specks of pollen on the tips. "Can't be too hard, right?"

【part the tide】 |  Captain Rex (BOOK 2 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat