14 | Crash Landing

128 11 12

22 BBY, Month 10


The Resolute left Coruscant after a couple of days, heading towards Geonosis for another battle on the surface of the bug-ridden planet

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The Resolute left Coruscant after a couple of days, heading towards Geonosis for another battle on the surface of the bug-ridden planet. Joseta had only read about the first encounter there when the GAR was first commissioned. The legendary Jango Fett was killed along with many jedi that day.

Joseta looked over at Rex who had his head elsewhere. He stood in the hangar of the Resolute watching the clones ready the shuttles to depart into the atmosphere of the planet. He held his helmet beneath his arm, clenching his jaw.

"Are you alright, Rexus?" Joseta asked, hoping not to sound too nosey, but also chill at the same time.

The clone captain's gaze flickered to hers. "I am fine, but what about you?" he asked, turning his body to face her, his armor clanking in the process. "It's your first mission."

Joseta's blood turned to ice. She was so worried about how he was feeling that she had forgotten the task ahead. She would be going onto the battlefield for the first time. Ever.

Kix was the medic on site, so she would be staying with the ship, but this was still dangerous. What if she crashed the ship? What if the ship was attacked?

"Calm yourself," Rex said, placing a gloved hand on her armored arm. "We will do whatever we can to keep you and your poorly armored head safe."

Joseta laughed, grabbing her borrowed helmet off of a nearby crate. "I can't wait to get my own armor."

"In due time," Rex chuckled, patting her on the back. He glanced over his shoulder before shoving his helmet on his head. "Looks like the General and Commander are ready."

Joseta followed his gaze, watching the tall human man and short togruta girl near them. It made her feel better that they'd have seasoned jedi for backup. "Sirs!" she saluted.

General Skywalker grinned as he brushed past her. "Finally get to see your flying skills in action."

Joseta gulped. "Yes, sir."

Commander Tano sent her an apologetic look. "Don't mind him. He's just being arrogant again."

Joseta shook her head, shooting a look at Rex—or his helmet at least. She had gotten so used to seeing him without his helmet that it took her by surprise. "Any last second tips for a rookie in battle?"

"Take out as many clankers as possible," Rex said with a laugh, brushing past her.

With a sigh, Joseta followed him onto the ship, walking past the jedi, Rex, and a few 501st soldiers. Joseta spotted a clone with a medical shoulder-piece, relieved to see Kix was on their shuttle.

The helmeted Kix gave her a nod, knocking his hand on his helmet. Joseta immediately caught on, shoving her oversized helmet onto her head before walking into the cockpit.

【part the tide】 |  Captain Rex (BOOK 2 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now