12 | Girl Talk

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22 BBY, Month 9


Joseta was glad that Clone Force 99 came to stay with the 501st

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Joseta was glad that Clone Force 99 came to stay with the 501st. That meant the arrival of their Jedi commander, Rylann Tetra. Joseta had a couple of run-ins with the girl, but nothing quite connected the two like their favorite band, Dey Gelo. Conversation led to conversation and the two drew closer.

It was the next day when Joseta and Rylann sat on the couch minding their own business looking at each other's Pintopic boards. Mr. Cold, aka Crosshair, decided to saunter over after eyeing them all morning. Well, eying Rylann more specifically. But Joseta had just met the guy and was already butting heads with him.

"Will you two just stop giggling for two seconds?" Crosshair asked, venom seeping from his voice. He sat on the couch to the left of the one they were sitting on, eyeing them, a toothpick in his mouth.

Joseta snapped her gaze to the wiry, frosty clone, eyes narrowing. "Will you just stop being a butt for two seconds?"

Rylann's mouth formed an "o" as she looked over at her friend.

Crosshair scoffed. "How funny. You can hear my laughter—oh, wait, I'm pretty sure that was you since I'm sure the Chancellor himself could hear the two of you in his office."

"Cross," Rylann shot him a look that shut his mouth.

He crossed his arms over his chest, pouting. Or at least his scowl looked like a pout.

Joseta laughed. "What are you? Four?"

Rylann's eyes widened as she smiled widely. "I've always said that he was named Cross because he crossed his arms like a toddler!"

"Crosshair?" Joseta said, a smile creeping onto her lips. "Maybe if he was called Joybald he would be a different person."

Rylann burst out laughing with Joseta, slapping her knees.

Joseta swelled at the reception of her jokes. She even relished in Crosshair's annoyance because a flicker of a grin flashed across his face.

Joseta's smirk faded to be replaced with a kind look. "I may not have heard you laugh, but I saw you smile, Cross."

Crosshair sighed, standing to his feet. "Whatever, I'm going to play pool with Tech and lose."

"That's the spirit," Rylann said, cheering him on. He went over to where his brothers were, but kept looking back every once in a while to smile at Rylann. He obviously liked her. And she often returned looks too.

"So," Joseta drawled, turning to her new friend, wiggling her eyebrows. "What's up with him?"

Rylann gave her a side eye. "What do you mean?"

"The looks across the room," Joseta added, fluttering her lashes, holding a hand over her heart dramatically. "Not to mention, your breathing pattern changes when he is around."

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