15 | Raining Men (and Bugs)

116 10 17

22 BBY, Month 10


The escort of clones bringing Joseta to the front slowly dwindled down to a few

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The escort of clones bringing Joseta to the front slowly dwindled down to a few. Soldier by soldier went down ahead of her. She tried to stop to help them, but the leader, Echo, pulled her back every time.

"If we lose you, we lose all of us," he reminded her, firing an automatic across the bug-like Geonosians.

"But what's the point of being here if I can't do my job?" Joseta asked, ducking her head as a blaster bolt whizzed by.

"The point is to win the battle, Sergeant," Echo stated, hand clinging to her arm as he dragged her across the open fire. "Move, move, move!"

Joseta heard a grunt and someone fell behind her but she didn't look back. If she did, she didn't think she would be able to move forward.

Echo crouched ahead behind a rock formation finding a place by Fives, shooting a few bugs out of their hideouts above them. Something exploded behind Joseta, knocking her off of her feet, but luckily she rolled over her shoulder to slow the stop.

Joseta's heart raced, dizziness setting into her head. She was glad to be sitting down because if she was standing, she would've fallen over. She closed her eyes, taking steady breaths to focus on anything but the reality she was in. Why did she feel so weak? Didn't she eat an hour before they set out? Why did she feel so dizzy?

The helmet felt heavy on her head—suffocating. Joseta fumbled to remove Kix's helmet from her head, taking a deep breath as the hot Geonosian air hit her face. Joseta's bangs tossed gently in the breeze and for a moment she felt relief.

"Pro'oz, you good?" Fives asked her, snapping Joseta from her daze.

"Good as I'll ever be." Joseta shoved her helmet back on her head, regretting the closed quarters of the helmet. How did they do this every day?

"We're almost at Skywalker's position," Echo stated, nodding for her to follow him. She jumped after him, blaster ready.

As they approached the destination, General Skywalker and Commander Tano were speaking to Rex, in a seemingly heated situation. The captain turned to face Joseta and her escort as they approached.

"Good, you're here," Captain Rex said, clapping Fives and Echo on the back before sending Joseta a nod.

"Late to the party, Pro?" General Skywalker asked, sending Joseta a smirk. Was he doing wordplay on her name?

Commander Tano shot him a glare. "It's no time for joking, Master!" the padawan exclaimed, shaking her head. "With Obiwan hurt—"

"Get ready to push the lines," Rex commanded, ignoring the arguing duo behind him.

The two jedi jumped up over the stones, the clones quickly following behind to push forward the attack. Joseta quickly tagged after them, making her way to a rock formation that is closer to the wall. This wall was no joke. It had to be four to five stories tall with built in guns and droids already appearing atop.

【part the tide】 |  Captain Rex (BOOK 2 of the CHANGING WAVES series)Where stories live. Discover now